カルボナード Carbonnades |      CAFe LeKKeR のほほんブログ♪♪

おはようございます。 昨夜からの雨と雷、すごかったですね(>_<) 雷 今は少し穏やかになって、ほっ(*^_^*)

Good morning! It was really strong thunder and lightning from last night. It was quite scary. 雷 Now I am bit relieved, its getting calm now. 


Carbonnades - one of mini-main of platedish menu at Cafe. I received a recipe from one of my Dutch friends, and it is home-cooking from the area of Flanders - which is between Holland and Belgium.ナイフとフォーク

家庭によって、多少味付けも違ったり、使うお肉も様々らしいですが、基本的にビールとトマトを使っている点は共通。マッシュポテトと一緒に食べると、ホントにほっこり♪ 音譜

The recipe may differ slightly per family including the spices and meat to be used, however the basic is same; Beer and Tomatoes. It goes wonderful with mashed potatoes. 音譜

この日は豚肉。煮込むので厚切りで。 一日で3kgほど使います。

That day, it was with Port meat, thick slice due stewing. Usually 3kg of meat per day is prepared.

     CAFe LeKKeR のほほんブログ♪♪


Fry minced garlic and onion, and the smell expands when additing various spices.

     CAFe LeKKeR のほほんブログ♪♪

豚肉を煮込む前にソテー。 焼き色がついて香ばしい♪

Fry the sliced port before stewing. Smelling nice with the cooked surface of meats.

     CAFe LeKKeR のほほんブログ♪♪

そして 両面が焼けたら煮込み鍋に移して、黒ビールとトマト、残りのスパイスを加えてグツグツ。 お肉が柔らかくなるまでひたすら煮込みます。(長いです(^^ゞ)

Relocate them into the stewing pot, and start the stewing with dark beer and tomatoes and the other spices. Just continue until the meats get tender..... for so long!!

     CAFe LeKKeR のほほんブログ♪♪


For finalizing, I always do in the iron pot - Le Creuset. I feel the tastes and the tenderness go up if I do so.... no scientific proof, though.

     CAFe LeKKeR のほほんブログ♪♪

マッシュポテトと一緒に♡ 美味しいです~。

Together with mashed potatoes... Yummy~♬ 

     CAFe LeKKeR のほほんブログ♪♪