I went to the sea world today. I saw the Jet Stunt Extreme for the first time. It was so cool! And I walked around there and saw many animals .

After lunch, I road the roller coaster that was very fast ! So I screamed. :-/ When I got off, the boy who was sitting in front of me asked me with smile  if I was ok, I answered " Yes, it was amazing!!! " He was laughing. I really enjoyed in sea world! And I will never forgot today's memory forever.!


ランチの後、私はとても速いジエットコースターに乗りました!私は叫びました。私はジエットコースターから降りた時、1人の男の子が、「大丈夫?」と。「うん!素晴らしかった!」彼は笑っていました。本当に楽しかったです。私は今日の思い出を一生忘れません^ ^








Yuki ♡