移民の町で、移民の研究 -9ページ目

a Night City Tour

Toronto is such an interesting place!

My friend introduced me a Columbian friend, and we had Mexican food at Sneaky Dee’s. I had a steak Quesadillas, which I fell in love with last time I was in Vancouver! I also love Enchiladas.

He is originally from Columbia, but immigrated to Canada about three years ago by himself, his family are left behind. He said he is the only person who wanted to immigrated to Canada, because he loves Toronto. He’s getting a Canadian citizenship soon, and his dream is coming true. He immigrated under the point system. I am impressed with his ambitions and motives that have made his dreams and goals come true step by step. He immigrated, got a job, got an apartment while going to a college. He also got an offer from University. It seems he is an example immigrant who succeeded in Canada. But it is because he set his goals and has been working hard and trying hard to make them come true by himself, though he doesn’t have any relatives here.

Then he drove us to Little Italy, Portuguese Town, China Town, Korean Town, the Annex, Yorkville, the City Hall where Christmas lights are decorated, Gay Town, and Cabbage Town. Different ethnic towns in the city of Toronto! In each town, they have some Christmas lights and lights of each ethnic motif. The shape of the countries like Italy, Korea. The cabbage. Olives. He and my friend told me some of the good restaurants too. I’ve been here for about three months so far, but actually I haven’t really walked around enough! I’ve just been around my school and Greek Town, and lots of movie theatres!! I should definitely walk around when my papers are done!!!

It was really nice meeting and talking with him. And I really like those small trips around the world IN Toronto! When I was looking at Vancouver websites the other night, I missed Vancouver so much somehow, but I now am happy to be living here!

Casino Royale

My friend took me to a nice fancy café on Sunday afternoon. It’s “Sen5es” in Soho Hotel. We had cappuccino and fruits tarts. Yummy. It also reminded me of cafes in Japan. I used to go to different cafes or cake shops with my friends.

I have been talking with my friends that we don’t really have cafes where we can sit down and have cakes in Toronto. In Vancouver, we have Death by Chocolate, Cheese Cake etc, and ohhhhhh I forget the name! What was it? I know where it is located. It’s located at the corner where the bus stops. There is a 7-11 across the corner. They have tall pieces of cakes!!!


Then we went to see a movie, CASINO ROYALE!! James Bond, eh? I liked it! It’s been popular once it came out last week here! I am soooo happy that I can see a lot of movies here.


Little Children

After the long week, my friend and I had been chatting for almost four hours! We did it over lunch the other Friday too. There were other seats beside us, and different people came and went away while we were there. ^^;

We then went to see a movie called “Little Children”. Kate Winslet is acting in it. It was about a love affair with a married funky man a married woman. Each has got a child. It was different from what I expected as a “typical love affair” drama, but it was funny some part and interesting. I actually liked it!!

Now I’ve gotta get down to my work!!

http://www.littlechildrenmovie.com/ Little Children

first time in Toronto Library

I like libraries. I usually spend a lot of time in libraries once I go there. I had been writing one of my final essays and really felt like going out because it was sunny and warmer. My first time in Toronto Public Library!!

They have Japanese books in Japanese. I was looking at the self, wondering what kind of books they have. 三島由紀夫、マザーグース、カナダの歴史、料理の本。I wanted to borrow some Japanese cooking books, but decided not to this time. Otherwise I might end up looking at them and cooking instead of writing essays!

Then a man walked toward me and talked to me, saying “すみません。” Excuse me. Then we started talking. He told me that he has been learning Japanese and found it hard, especially 漢字。He speaks English, Spanish and a little bit of Japanese. Once you know English, it helps you to learn other Latin languages. Just like if you know the meanings of 漢字、you can guess some other 漢字 from some parts of them, or even the Chinese language.

When I told him that I am studying immigration, not English, he seemed to be surprised. Yeah, everyone does, because we don’t really have “移民” in Japan, though we have 在日韓国人、中国人帰国者、日系ブラジル人、ペルー人、ベトナム難民、etc. Actually I am the only international student in the Immigration Study Program, and most of the international students at my school are studying engineering. But some countries such as UK, NZ, Germany, Australia and Denmark have introduced some kind of immigration system that attract skilled immigrants because of the aging society, thus the shortage of working age labour force etc. Maybe Japan could introduce one. Then I would be able to take an initiative, eh?

Well, it turned out that he was American. Now he has a Canadian citizenship. He was studying when the Vietnam War happened and came over to Canada because he does not want to fight against for the U.S. I asked him whether he still has an American citizenship, but he said he doesn’t know.

I also asked him if he talks about immigration with his friends or family. Not quite often. But immigration is always an issue; especially the economy is not doing well. People want to blame something or someone. People want to say immigrants are taking up “our Canadians’ jobs”. But immigrants are also “Canadians”. Even in Japan, if the economy slows down, people could blame it for Japanese Brazilians or other visa holders. It is really those immigrants or 日系人 who would be taking up jobs, because they are mostly working for manufacturing sector, services sectors, so called K(きつい、汚い、危険)jobs. We call it 3D jobs here. (Dangerous, Dirty and Difficult) Once I read an article saying that those 日系人 are working for a food sector, and packing お弁当 that are sold at convenience stores during nights. They work at night and go home early in the morning! コンビニのお弁当を食べている方!それは、日系人労働者が夜中に詰めたお弁当かもしれませんよ。

It was really nice taking with him about the interesting topic. And, I got a library card! I could stayed longer there!

The Santa Claus Parade!!

I had been looking forward to the 102nd Santa Claus Parade in Toronto!!

I saw the parade around St.George with my friend. I liked it, but it was really cold to just stand on the street for about 2 hours! I guess it was like 2~3 .

We wanted Santa!! Here he came!! Ho Ho Ho~.

http://www.thesantaclausparade.com/ Check this out!

I really wanted to take a hot tub or hot spring!! I got chilled to the bone. Then we went to “Real Thailand” on Bloor to have lunch. We had coconut soup, green mango salad, and stir-fried rice with cashew nuts. I got really warm after having the soup and tea. 初めてグリーンマンゴーを食べた。It’s a bit sour.


My friend invited me to her house in Scarborough today.

Actually this was my first time to take a subway up to Scarborough Centre. I had never been to further east of my station. I like to explorer different places, so I got kinda excited. It was a clear sunny day, I felt like I was on a small trip.

I changes subways at Kennedy. RT was smaller!

My friend picked me up at Scarborough Centre and drove around her neighbourhood and went to see Lake Ontario. That was so pretty! We really like to see different neighbourhood and houses. There are a lot of new townhouses and relatively big houses around there. Why are there a lot of townhouses around Toronto and suburbs? Is it because it looks fancy? Is it because they are heaper than detached houses? Is it because there are not enough lands to build detached houses? Is it better than buy a condo because they have a yard for those who want a “house” instead of a condo?


My friend’s house is a detached house with a front yard and a back yard where there is a pool and a BBQ place out there. It is a pretty house.

She cooked salad with phyllo (タコスサラダみたい) and sandwiches. We also had baked meringue with whipped cream with chocolate chips and lemon rind and strawberries for a dessert. Yum~♪ I wish I had a beater at home!


Am I Chinese or Japanese?

A man talked to me at a subway station this morning. He said, “Do you speak Chinese?” I am afraid no. I wish I could. Actually I have started learning Chinese.

What do you think about this? Well, it is difficult for Caucasians to recognize Japanese from other Asians, which I can guess, and also some of my friends told me. It is difficult for me to distinguish French from other Europeans for example. I was wearing like I used to in Japan.

Or, is it because there are a lot of Chinese Canadians in Canada?

Or, is it because he is just interested in talking to a Chinese? He speaks fairly good Chinese.

What else?

Well, maybe I should practice more Chinese and would answer “Yeah I speak Chinese.”

I remember that I pretended that I couldn’t speak Japanese when I was in San Francisco about 6 years ago. A Japanese business man talked to me in English, so I just answered and ended up talking in English with him.


Discrimination? Well, I don't know.

I talked about "boyfriends" with my friends. One was born in Tanzania and immigrated to Canada when she was little and Muslim. One is white and was born in Ecuador and immigrated to Canada. One has Indian background. One is white Canadian. Two of them who are not Caucasian said that they have never had a white boyfriend. One said she had one once, but not that long.

Fathers are always the same all over the world, aren’t they? They are concerned about their daughters’ boyfriend. Do they want their daughters to bring a boyfriend whose backgrounds are the same as them such as ethnic, religions, or not too old? On the other hand, mothers are less conservative in general. They are more OK with their daughters’ boyfriend?

One’s father is Buddhist and more ok with her boyfriend. He seems not care much about their own background in Latin America. He told my friend to bring “white” boyfriend who works hard! That’s the important thing!

Grandparents are more conservative about interracial marriage. Some of our grandparents were surprised when they brought a boyfriend who has different ethnic background. Some of them just didn’t bring their boyfriend.

We reached a conclusion that we don’t mind racial mix. We are here in a multicultural city, Toronto. Even though some people hang out with those who have same or similar backgrounds, but we all here. Nobody knows what happens.

Yeah, my grandmother always tells me to marry a Japanese man. But personally, I don’t mind intermarriage as long as we can get along with each other. Maybe different values in some occasions, because we grow up in different cultures. But disagreements happen even between those who have same background, eh?

Multiculral Day♪

I went to see “The Departed” with my friend. It’s a remake of the famous Hong Kong movie, called “Infernal Affairs”! Actually my friend told me that was a remake of a Hong Kong movie, but I couldn’t figure it out until in the middle of the movie. As the story went on, I remembered the Hong Kong movie I have seen a long time ago, but I totally forgot the title of the name!! Since my friend knows the Chinese title, but forgot the English title, either.

Anyways, though they were speaking a lot of slangs and had southern Boston accent, which was hard to understand, that was interesting! I should watch “Infernal Affairs” again some time soon.

We also went to 天仁メイ茶 in somewhere around Richmond Hill or Thornhill or Markham. (I am not sure…) It’s a Chinese tea place. It was a very fancy, neat and relaxing place. There were some bamboos, nice paintings and stuff. My friend told me that they are making tea leaves too, that’s why they serve really good tea and bubble tea! Yeah, bubble tea! I love bubble tea!! My friend had a green tea and I had a grapefruit bubble HOT tea. Yummy~~~♪I got so relaxed. They were playing ボサノバ as well. It seems popular here too. (among Chinese community?)

It sooo remineded me of Japanese cafes, Taiwan and Hong Kong! I felt weird, because I know I am in Canada, but I felt like I was in Taiwan or Hong Kong again! But it was like a fancy café in Japan as well! Multicultural eh? I like it!!!


Oh, guess what!! We then went to Kenzo Ramen!!ラーメン屋さん!!It is the only ラーメン屋さん around Toronto!! BUT! It is running by Korean Canadians. Anyways, we had しょうゆラーメン、おこのみやき、and たこ焼き♪My friend also likes them. Oh I missed Japan so much!! I appreciate my friend. Thank you for taking me to such a nice multicultural trip

And Silver City! It‘s a big movie theatre. It is totally different from ones in downtown. There is one in Vancouver area. There was a big parking space, which reminded me of my hometown. We had a big parking space in every supermarket and department stores. 地元を思い出した。大きな駐車場。大きなスクリーン。I like movie theatres in downtown, but I like Silver City too!

There are a lot of town houses around here. My friend told me that there is a new Korean Town on

Steeles Avenue
. I think we should go some other time.

It’s very different from downtown, but I like up north too.








