
If no restriction happens regarding COVID-19, 410,000ppl will die in Japan.  It was awful newsゲッソリゲッソリゲッソリ

上矢印これアセアセアセアセアセアセ 焦りしかないガーンガーンガーン

上矢印This Newsアセアセアセアセアセアセ I am panicingガーンガーンガーン


新型コロナが流行り初めにイギリスの首相が集団免疫抗体論を行うって言ってイギリスで50万人の死者が出るって権威のある人が論文を出してイギリスをロックダウンに導いたのに似てない?ダウンむかっダウンむかっダウンむかっ 日本、人命助けてよー汗汗汗

The Prime Minister of the UK once said, we are going to make people who have anitbodies in thier immune system to protect others (herd immunity).  And a smart doctor wrote that 500,000ppl will die before we reach enough people who have anitbodies in their body.  I found it very very similar.  WHY? ダウンむかっダウンむかっダウンむかっ Come On JAPAN, Please help us汗汗汗


上矢印 This pic is coming from my friend in LA



My girls haven't been to Nursery School from the end of Feb.  There are still moms and dads who have to go to work, so they have to take their kids to their nursery schools.  I can  imagine their worriness towards their children's health...笑い泣き笑い泣き笑い泣き


Xの保育園には妊婦の先生も3人いる滝汗滝汗滝汗 毎日、怖いだろうな・・・ 他人の子供の面倒も見て、自分のお腹の中の子供の心配まで・・・ 1歳以下は重症になる確率が高いってまで言われてるのに・・・ガーンガーンガーン

X's nursery school has 3 pregnant teachers滝汗滝汗滝汗  They must be scared about Covid-19 more than any of us...  They have to worry about other people's kids as well as their own baby ....  Kids under the age of 1 have a higher possibility to lead to a serious condition....ガーンガーンガーン


医療に関わってFrontlineで働いてるパパママには感謝しかない。夫婦揃って医療現場で働いてる方に限りって預かりますっていうのはダメなんですかね? シングルのママ・パパには手厚い補償で会社を休めるように・・・お願いお願いお願い

I want to thank Hospital workers and Frontline people.  Nursery schools should only accept those peopel whose moms and/or dads work at a hospital or the frontline.  They would feel safer knowing that even thought their child is at Hoikuen, they would not be with many children. Single moms and dads should then get extra insurance from the govenment due to not being able to go to workお願いお願いお願い


その他のご家庭はどっちかがお家で子育てする・・・ 保育園にこの時期好きで子供預けている親はどのくらいいるんだろう? いないと思う・・・タラー

Other families would then keep their children at home.  How many moms and dads like to take their children to Nursery School?  I don't think they enjoy it, and they must have a lot of worries...タラー


上矢印可愛すぎる二人ハート 寝顔癒される〜ラブラブラブラブラブラブ

上矢印They are so cute togetherハート Precious Momentラブラブラブラブラブラブ



Before I sleep, I see X & Z's faces.  I do everything in my power to protect them・I will fight through this tough time.  Once Covid-19 settles down, I want to take them to wherever they like!!  Moms and Dads, you are not alone!! Lets' protect our children!!グーグーグー