Yoyo Market's Blog -2ページ目

Have a Ball!

Sometimes you need something to give you that extra stretch, and here it is! The Ziva Anti-Burst Fitball. Now you don't have to use a fitness ball down the gym, and you can get a good stretch in the comfort of your own home. Whether you're into Yoga or Pilates this anti-burst ball is just a bounce away.

The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread Is ...

People often talk about the greatest thing since sliced bread, but here at Yoyo Market we have noticed a surge in people buying Kimuraya Sliced Bread. So I guess that means the greatest thing since sliced bread is none other than ... sliced bread!

And Pasco English Muffins.

Check out our current top sellers here.

Mary's Gone What?

Mary's Gone Crackers! No we're not pointing out the misgivings of an old friend, but showing off a new Costco Product. These biscuits are made with seeds and whole grains, and they're even gluten free! Just add a little low-fat topping and you've got yourself a great healthy snack to be enjoyed whenever and wherever you like. Though do remember eating in certain places in Japan is quite frowned upon ... trains for instance.

Trendy Toast? Suave Sandwiches? Lovin' The Loaf!

What's the greatest thing since sliced bread? How about a huge loaf of sliced! Recently our Kimuraya Sliced Loaves have been selling really well, and have become our top selling item. These are always in limited supply at Costco's bakery, so we've been very lucky that we've been able to snap up all the bread that we need. Whether you want it for toast or sandwiches, this large loaf won't let you down!

Darlo's Raisin Bread with Cheese

For today's recipe we're actually going for a staff-member original piece. John (aka Darlo) will talk us through his recipe for ... what are you calling it?

"Raisin Bread with Cheese."

Ah, ok. So what are the ingredients for this simple sounding recipe.

"Raisin Bread, Cheese, Butter or Marge."

Wow that ... really is quite simple. Why not talk us through it.

"If you buy Kirkland's raisin bread loaf, it's already sliced so that will save you a bit of time."

Yes, time can be quite a daunting factor.

"Similarly if you get a pre-sliced cheese such as the Sonoma or Havarti, that's one less thing to worry about."

I suppose you could also use a cheese that comes as a block too, right?

"Yeah, in fact the Kirkland sharp cheddar is great for this. If only it was pre-sliced ... sigh."

Sigh indeed. So what's next?

"Slab a bit of butter on two sliced of the raisin bread. Marge can be used too, but salted butter tastes the best."

Marge might have to do for now. Japan's experiencing a bit of a butter shortage right now. What's next?

"Pop some cheese between the slices and you're done!"



Well ... that was simple.

"Not as simple as writing a dialogue between two people who are actually the same person."


Nobody Puts Baby (Leaves) In The Corner

Organic baby leaves make for a healthy side dish. You can even use them as a nutritious addition to a smoothy, in a manner similar to kale. Get yours today!

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups Minis

So these little beauties have only been on our store for about a week and have already been selling well. Though I do love me some chocolate, I'll be honest I didn't want to eat Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I'm not a peanut butter fan, you see, and I thought that given it's name it would rely heavily on that core ingredient.

That was until Felix bought a bag for the office to share. I begrudgingly tried one and ... well, no I wasn't hooked or any faff like that, but I did enjoy it. It's quite an achievement that a product containing peanut butter in the name could be liked by someone who doesn't actually like peanut butter.

Good show, Reese ol' chap.

Spotlight on the Princess

Hear-yee, Hear-yee, the princess is about to make her grand entrance.

OK so more snack that royalty, but IKEA's Princess Cakes are seriously more-ish. The cream, marzipan, cake combination is divine, and the fact that there are four in a pack makes a great snack and brilliant one that you can spread over a few days ... or I guess you could share them with friends or family.

Whaddup Turkeys!

With Thanksgiving and Christmas not far away, we've been selling a lot of turkeys lately. So many that Costco actually ran out over the weekend! But fear not, they're back in stock and ready for your ovens!

Let's Get Stuffed!

Some people say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, this picture Kraft Stove Top Turkey Stuffing is worth at least 1001. More even, if you include the words "Where can I find Stuffing for Christmas or Thanksgiving in Japan? Oh mercy!"