Macrobio-vegan Life マクロビオビーガンライフ -2ページ目

Macrobio-vegan Life マクロビオビーガンライフ

Writing about nature, seasonal events, food, veganism, macrobitotics, and introducing Japanese vegan recipes.
季節にまつわる事 マクロビオビーガンについてなどを 英語で 徒然に書き綴っています。ビーガンでマクロビオティックなレシピも紹介しています。 

日本語のレシピは ビーガン、ベジタリアン情報満載の Hachidory から ご覧下さい。



Creamy Tofu Cheese, Shiokoji version


Tofu can be transformed into the creamy vegan cheese when it is marinated in Shiokoji.

You can enjoy it in many ways.


Your vegan sandwich can be so rich with this tofu cheese.



Perfect combination with the grilled zucchini.



Simply spread on the toast.




1/2 block of firm tofu (170g before draining)

2 tsp salt

40g creamy shiokoji




1.   Place the 1/2 tofu block with salt filled with water in a pot, and heat up.


In this photo, I am using a whole block of tofu, not a 1/2 portion.



2.   Just before it reaches a boiling point, reduce the heat to low and let it simmer for a few minutes.



3.   Wrap the simmered tofu with the kitchen paper, place it on the flat strainer, place the weight on tofu, and drain the water for about one hour.



Do not use too heavy weight so that tofu will not lose its rectangular shape.


4.   Cut tofu into 3 slices. (A slice is about 1/2 inch.)



5.   Spread the half portion of creamy shiokoji on the bottom of the container.



6.   Lay the slices of tofu on shiokoji.


7.   Spread the remaining shiokoji over the surface of tofu.



8.   Cover the surface with plastic wrap.



9.   Keep the container in the fridge.  It should be matured in a week.


10.         Take out from the container as you need it.



This cheese can be creamier when it is stirred in the blender.

It can last 2~3 weeks depending on the seasons.




Happy cooking!