#ひとり言#Good morning. How are you? I am well. Today is thursday,July 25th. It's cloudy, and the high temperature is 25 degrees Celsius. The firecast says it will be cloudy all day with a high temperature of 13 degrees Celsius.

Today is a workday for me. I’ll do my routine job as usual. By the way, yesterday I had an online English lesson. My teacher said, “Cicadas are singing a bit noisily, right?” “Yes,” I replied, “exactly outside my house, a lot of cicadas are singing noisily, but I don't mind.”

Before starting the lesson content, my teacher asked me, “What are Japan's three great festivals?” I answered, “The three most famous festivals in Japan are the Gion Festival in Kyoto, the Tenjin Festival in Osaka, and the Kanda Festival in Tokyo.” How many of these festivals do you know?

That's all. Have a nice day. See you. Thank you




