Yori Haradaのブログ

Yori Haradaのブログ


Iori Harada
Into the Wild by Jon krakauer
15 page
One hour

In April, 1992, one youth who was brought up in a rich family of the East Coast had gone to Alaska by hitchhike before he went to the north wasteland of the mountain on foot alone. His decomposed body was discovered in the group of hunters who chased a moose four months later. The author was asked to write an article about the death of an enigmatic youth to the chief editor of the magazine as soon as corpse was detected. After that , he understood that the name of the youth was Christopher McCandless. He was brought up in the upper class residential area of the Washington D.C. suburbs, and the results of studies and sports were excellent as for him. He disappeared after he had graduated from the Emory University with honors in summer of 1990. He changed his name, and he contributed his deposit total amount of 24,000 dollars to the charity organization and abandoned a car of his own and the most of the belonging and burnt all his cash. He wondered about the North America for the totally new life and fresh splendid experience. After he disappeared, his family didn't know where he was and went at all. His action made a lot of argument, and his story made a lot of people impress. The readers praised him as a youth with high ideal; however, the some readers blamed him with the narcissist who lost its life by a fool, an odd person, and arrogance.

I and Christopher are similar age, so I can understand his action to wonder about the North America. I think he got a lot of great experience and could understand himself well. I also like going traveling, so I know that I can get an amazing experience , such as him when I go to a trip. Actually, I want to wander about all over the world without having worry about the public eye. He was very wonderful person because he threw all away and went for adventure alone. He had courage because he chose the way that he never depended everything. It is very difficult for me because I have my family who sometimes helps me when I have any problems. I think that everyone depends on other person and mint to live. Furthermore, he was an honor student, so he must have had a lot of choices. For instance, most of smart students can get a great job and earn a lot of money after they graduate from the university, and most people think people will find find happiness easily if they obtain good job. However, he didn't choose it. His family must have been sad at the news of his death after they heard it. I thought he might not care about his family well or have the some problems between him and his family. I'll pay tribute his action and I'm interested in his story because he was a brave man and I want to know about his ideal more and more.