petite neige (。+`・ω・′)シャキーン☆ -3ページ目

petite neige (。+`・ω・′)シャキーン☆


I can't sleep!!!

I really want to go to bed!!
Why can't I go?!


Oh,I changed my LINE account.
Did I say this?
Any way,if somebody wants know me account,give me a comment!

I think nobody needs

Never mind
That's all.

I'm going to try to sleep.

Tomorrow is the last day of test!

The last is...TOEFL:(
I really hate it.

I know it's difficult to become a surgeon.
Why we must study about that?

Never mind.

It's OK. I don't care the exam is difficult or not

I can't wate to meet!!

Oh,today I got a part time job at ''wagashi''store
It's not bad?I'm going there till August,so if it's hard then I could quit easley

Ohh I have to study!!!
See you soon.