留学生のまったりEnglish Diary

留学生のまったりEnglish Diary




Hi guys. I'm Yasu.
thank you for coming my blog.

I decided to write a blog. Because I should improve my English skills, especially, speaking and listening. I've already practiced listening every day. But it is difficult to practice speaking alone, I guess. Then, I guessed that it is better for me to make correct sentences. I came up with to study English Writing with fun in this blog.

I think the sentences that I make have some mistakes. If you don't mind, please let me know them and corrections in comment.

In the end of this part, I will write down my introduction and some information about this blog.

I've been living in Vancouver, Canada, and I'm an International College student. Actually, I have 3 years of work experience as architectural designer in Japan. My hobby is Photoshopping and shooting photos as portraits. In my free-time, I make composite photos, and edit & retouch my photos. I will be glad to come my Instagram page, if you have interest my works.


I'm afraid, I've not decide the topic of this blog. I guess I'm gonna write my daily life, about my assignment of my college, updating my report that is my class-work, or something else.


I’m in two mind about it I should write Japanese translation...
Please let me know your suggestion.

Thanks for your time & reading my blog.
Best  regard.


+++++ memo +++++


Instagram : instagram.com/yasu_re_slrc?i…