I'm pregnant now(22w), fortunately.

I really wanted to have the third child... especially after my son turned 1 year old, I thought that strongly.

My daughter will be 5 years in next month and my son already turned 2.

My third angel is coming out to this world in the beginning of next February.

I'm really happy with this good luck 😊

Actually one before, between my son and this baby, I was pregnant but that time, couldn't find the baby's heartbeat at the hospital, even I got positive with my self check stick.

I was totally shocked...and sad of course.

I think I'm not so young anymore that's why baby was gone....but now I'm pregnant again luckily.

I should be more careful for living in my life but I'm busy always.

I need some break for myself.

Just wanna have a nap the middle of the day...

I'm still working... And I'm doing things for my children and housework by myself in weekdays... That situationakes me tired so much.

My husband is busy I understand that, but in my case, now I'm easy to get tired.

I'll try to have good sleep every day.
