
I dislike forecasting doom, but my feeling was that she'd find it impossible to deal with the formality of being a member of the Royal Family. 

She would find it difficult to conform and her Hollywood worldview would be seriously challenged by the low-key, often repetitively dull work involved.


She wanted all the glamour and glory of being a Windsor, but I don't think she was ever truly up for taking on the daily grind that came with it.


I don't think she really understands the Royal world of altruism, history, tradition and low-key patronage for no personal gain. 


She'll see Royal life as staid and stuffy. She certainly never showed me any interest in British life and traditions. 


Even with that said, I don't think she could have dragged Harry away from his family unless part of him wanted to make some kind of grand gesture. 


But from what I've seen of them together, I'm certain she played a large part in the current crisis.


Everything she does is carefully curated and forensically planned. Harry has a choice – he can go along with her or she'll sail on regardless.


In pure business terms, the decision to step down from Royal duties is correct, of course.


I have no doubt that Meghan and Harry have the potential to earn money that would dwarf the allowances they received for being Royals. She knows what she is doing.


Without a doubt, many of the biggest companies will want both Meghan and Harry as brand ambassadors: this is what Meghan and I worked on before she married Harry, and what Meghan was most keen on.


Before Harry arrived in her life, we worked on endorsement deals with Meghan for a number of big-name brands, including Swiss watches, body care ranges, lingerie, food, beauty products and so on. 


Meghan endorsed her own range of fashion for a Canadian company. Her ambition was to land a big contract with a cosmetic range, such as L'Oreal.


She took me to one side and emphasised that she had 'legs as long as a mile', demanding that our agency do our best to secure her a substantial offer to showcase this 'asset'. 


Meghan is still relatively young, she is very beautiful, has a great natural flair and style and she is wise and has a strong character of her own. 


Her image is perfect for commercial endorsements and high-end fashion and lifestyle brands.


I doubt there would be a producer or casting director in the world who would not want her for a role in a movie, TV series, commercial or brand campaign.


Now she holds the title HRH The Duchess of Sussex she has a hallmark that no money can buy.


Even today, after three years of not working with her, we are bombarded with offers. She can name her price.


If all this is a dream come true for Meghan, Harry will have to be very careful if it is not to turn out to be a nightmare for him. In the Wild West of the commercial world, there will be none of the careful protection he is used to as a member the Royal household.


Can Harry adapt to this new way of life, stepping away from everything he has known? The grass may seem to be greener on the other side, but that's not always how it works out – as Meghan herself now knows.


Time is on his side. He will always be Prince Harry.


Meghan will be well aware, in contrast, that female celebrities have a limited shelf life and this might well be part of their decision to make such a seismic change.

What sort of money could they earn if they really did decide to exploit their full commercial potential? To put it crudely, they would command top dollar.

I know the market well. My agency, Kruger Cowne, represents clients for public speaking, hosting and publishing, but we also handle branding, television, music and much else. Many of our clients earn six- and seven-figure sums a year.

But Meghan and Harry could do that in a heartbeat, and go on to rival such internationally known figures as Leonardo DiCaprioBrad PittBeyoncé and the Obamas.


The saddest thing of all is that there is much to admire in Meghan, but I don't think she has really paid attention to the human side of the Royal Family.


And the fact that Meghan still thinks she can revolutionise the Monarchy shows how little she understands the British way of life. The Royal Family has its own codes, its own magnificent history, and it's going to take so much more than an actress from California to change that.


Meghan's last email to me was to say that her life had changed and she could no longer pursue commercial work. She really wanted to remain friends, she said, adding that it was very important to her.


Alas, that was not to be: I've never heard from her directly again.


When, recently, I found myself in the same room as her, she pretended not to notice – stage-managing it so that Harry spoke to me instead.


Meghan has made a habit of 'moving on' to better things. And I doubt that will ever change.    

Wild West(by extension) A place or situation in whichdisorderly behavior prevailsespecially due to a lackof regulatory oversight or an inadequate legalsystem.