"Read ebook [PDF]  The Travel Bog Diaries: One Woman's hilarious confessions of surviving family travel

Meet Liz. Mother of two teenage kids and wife of Brian.Faced with midlife &amp  realising that unless she gets her skates on, she'll never get to live out her fantasy of travelling the world with her family (and be like that woman from Eat, Pray Love), Liz plans a year-long globetrotting trip.Annoyingly, things don't quite go as expected.This is probably because Liz is slightly deluded &amp  chooses to ignore the fact that her husband has acid reflux &amp  can't eat anything foreign, &amp  her teenage children would rather scroll funny Snapchat videos than look at old things in Europe.From an ill-fated yoga class in India, ancient ruin humiliation in Italy, to getting sloshed at a charity festival in rural England, Liz&#8217 s endless mishaps and hysterical far-flung flops make for an unforgettable experience that no family could ever forget.Even if they wanted to.Armed with humour, optimism, &amp  three pairs of comfy high-waisted travel knickers, this feel-good hilarious 