Today.. I have done a lot,
buyed two singles of my favorite Band D=OUT!!! I BUYED BOTH LIMITED!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
they get released at 2011/03/16

I'am so in love the new song is just incredible !!! <3 LOVA YAAAA GUYS!!

Yeah now just waiting for the next big Events <3

Liepziger Buchmesse
Miyavi Concert
and yeah..
meet my Friend alot of times! <3
and go to work .3.


=|| Happy Seiji ||=
Yeah, new Handy, new hair, new year! All is perfect now.

I will upload some pictures soon. My new car is really cool too.

I wish you all a Happy new year and hope that all your wishes come true!

=¦¦ Seiji ¦¦=