So i have an important message for you ビックリマーク注意

i will end my blog and create a new one!!


at january the 1st 2011 there is a suprise for all otaku fans...

i will dance and upload it into nico nico douga and youtube!!! ラブラブ

so thats why i'm gonna end my blog.

me and my BFF (Ookami) will create a dance group name

but we dont tell you yet because there are many copiers outside ><

they could copy the name , you know ?

i will give my best to be one of the best dancers in nico nico and youtube
and i hope i could make my wish true, to fly to japan チョキ

'cos i wanna meet some friends 音譜

mitsuさん? sorry but i forget my skype name wwwwwwwwww
i'm gonna creat a new one!!!

be careful!
bye bye~ ラブラブ

P.S. sorry for my bad english wwww