

私中野一日目は、妹初メイクで閣下。15年振り参戦と,私エースメイクで姉妹でAD参拝。GO AHEADが始まって1曲目終わった後、妹がぼそり。



From Yurinka with Love.

二日目は6列目(でも実質5列目)鼻ヂ出そうな席なのまた代官側 ... かれこれ11回もミサ行ってるのに下手って一度だけ・・・一度だけ!!一度だけ~しょぼん 交換してって言うてもルークファンのんが多いから誰も交換してくれないし。


From Yurinka with Love.


From Yurinka with Love.

銀色らしいねんけど,どう見ても銀色じゃなくてグレー、 いろんな意味でグレー。そんな姿を見た、ドールコンテスト大賞受賞者、大阪集いでせんとくんコスプレをして会場始め構成員をどよめかせた期待の作家:ひもの先生に










From Yurinka with Love.


Interview with DEMON KAKKA, His Excellency of SEIKIMA-II

interview - 24.07.2010 01:01
author: Kay and Cynthia
引用先: http://www.jame-world.com/uk/articles-65098-interview-with-demon-kakka-his-excellency-of-seikima-ii.html#ixzz0ufuhRkkT

解散10年後2005年に6ヶ月の期間限定再結成を経て、ヘヴィメタルバンド聖飢魔IIがA-Kon21、ダラスにて米国初公演を行った。今回JaMeは閣下の名で知られるデーモン閣下に会う機会を得たので、聖飢魔Ⅱのその独特な世界感、閣下の1999年解散以降の活動、そしてテキサスのコンベンション;A-Kon, Oni-Conとの関係を伺った。
After being disbanded for over a decade with a temporary reunion for six months in 2005, heavy metal band SEIKIMA-II held their first live USA performance at A-Kon 21 in Dallas, Texas. JaME was able to meet up with vocalist and front man DEMON KAKKA, also known as His Excellency, to ask about the band's unique world, the works His Excellency did after SEIKIMA-II's disbandment in 1999 and their association with Texas conventions Oni-Con and A-Kon.

Your Excellency is from SEIKIMA-II, which is a band of demons. Can you please introduce yourself by describing your role in the AKUMA Society?

DEMON KAKKA: まず最初に、聖飢魔IIは"Demons"によって構成されるバンドではなく、"AKUMA"集団である。吾輩の名は"DEMON KAKKA"つまり閣下であり、およそ10万歳で、11月10日に発生した。吾輩の血液型は人間の言葉では説明出来ない。吾輩はMAKAI出身である、魔界は地獄とは違う。吾輩は生物学的にAKUMAの類とされ、特にロック等のエンターテインメント活動を通して、我々聖飢魔IIは布教活動を行っている。我々のプロフィール詳細は、聖飢魔II my space公式ページ上でチェックできるぞ。
First of all, SEIKIMA-II is not a band of demons. SEIKIMA-II is an AKUMA group.My name is DEMON KAKKA, His Excellency. I am approximately 100,000-years-old. The date of my appearance is November 10th. It is impossible to explain my blood type using the human language. I'm from MAKAI. MAKAI is not the same as Hell. Biologically, I would be categorized as an AKUMA. Through a lot of entertaining activities, especially performing ROCK music, we—SEIKIMA-II—are enlightening the public. You can check out more details about our profile and the biography of SEIKIMA-II on our official MySpace website.

During Your Excellency's youth, you lived in New York with your human father and later you went back to the USA many times, even to study there and appear on American television. How does it feel now that you've performed in the USA with SEIKIMA-II? Do you think you have a good idea of what you can expect from the American audience?←最後これ日本語に訳しニクい・・・。

DEMON KAKKA: 幼稚園時代から小学生までのNYCの学校にいた経験があるんだが、殆どの級友がいつも吾輩を誕生日パーティに招待してくれた。吾輩はとても人気者だったのだ。19年前に我々聖飢魔IIがRITZ CLUBにてミサを行った時にだな、とある米国のプロデューサーに会ったんだが、その直後彼から、我々のCDを米国で売らないかとオファーが来た。そう云う訳で米国のオーディエンスには温かくも熱く迎えられるであろうと信じている。
I had the experience of attending the State's preschool and elementary school in NYC. Most of my classmates would invite me to their birthday parties all the time; I was a pretty popular kid. We, SEIKIMA-II, held an AKUMA worship ritual in RITZ CLUB 19 years ago, and we met an American producer there. Right after the meeting, he offered to distribute our CDs in the U.S. Therefore, I believe we'll receive an exciting and warm welcome from the U.S audience.

SEIKIMA-II is an AKUMA group masquerading as a rock band. Do you ever worry that you might frighten people?

DEMON KAKKA: それは、我々の見た目の怖さが、売上げ上マイナスに響いているかどうかと聞いているのか?勿論多少なりとはあるだろうね。しかし、我々聖飢魔IIは人類を警告し、怯えさせるために存在するのだ。したがってさほど問題は無い。
Are you asking whether our scary looks affect our sales in negative way? We might have some losses, indeed. However SEIKIMA-II is here to make human beings frightened and give a warning to them; thus this is fine with us.

聖飢魔IIにどのようなメッセージ及びストーリーづけをされていますか? もうこれまでにそれを成し遂げたと思いますか?What kind of message or story do you want your group to give? Do you think you've accomplished it so far?

DEMON KAKKA: 27年前 聖飢魔IIは結成された。AKUMAは人類を罰し、苦しませ、人類以外の地球上生命体を守るために送り込まれた。もしAKUMAがその邪悪な力を行使したら、人間に災いと不運をもたらす事など容易いものなのだ。しかしながら人間を一瞬のうちに不幸せするだけでは、余りにもつまらないではないかと我々は考え、それなら別の方法を使おうじゃないか、とひらめいた。それが、人間どもが我々の信者となるように仕向けたエンターテインメントだったのである。こういった理由で聖飢魔IIは結成され、25年前に地球デビューを果たしたのだ。
27 years ago, SEIKIMA-II was formed. AKUMA was sent to punish humans and make them suffer, and also to protect all earthly lifeforms, excluding human beings. If AKUMA uses their evil power, it is pretty easy to bring disaster or misfortune to all human beings; however, we thought it was kind of boring to just make them unhappy in an instant. We came up with the idea of using our different skills, such as entertainment skills, and have the human race become our followers. For this reason, SEIKIMA-II was formed and debuted on the earth 25 years ago.

Using mostly a hard rock band format, as of MAKAI year one (1999 to humans), we declared our mission accomplished and ended the band. During our reign, we released 20 tenets of scripture, which are also known as albums.

Here are some definitions regarding SEIKIMA-II, which are of most importance:

悪魔:AKUMA (n.) (ah-koo-ma)
A mystic race of gods occupying the same time and space as the human race. Believed to have been brought into existence by Anthropomorphized Natural Law to enforce the rules of nature. They follow a tenet that considers natural law as an absolute, as opposed to Homo Sapiens, who are seen by Akumas as ignorers and possible destroyers of natural law. Being physically and mentally superior to humans, they are often at odds with the human race. While the human race seems to feel the need to follow their perceived commandments from their god, Akumas only see the protection of nature from the humans as a holy cause.

魔界;MAKAI (n.) (mah-kah-ii)

A futuristic, hyper-evolved dimension where Akumas are born.

地獄;JIGOKU (n.) (jee-goh-koo)
A part of Makai. A realm reserved for humans who are brought here and punished for disobeying the rules of Makai. A place of terror and suffering for humans. A place of merrymaking and joviality for Akumas.

聖飢魔II用語について更に知りたくば、我々の MySpace . をチェックしてくれたまえ。
If you want to know more about SEIKIMA-II's vocabulary, please check out our MySpace .

is Lord Excellency over the AKUMA society. How might a human enter this society? Are there any restrictions?

DEMON KAKKA: 我々を支持、理解した選ばれし者だけが魔界、悪魔社会に立ち入る事ができる。
Selected people who are able to understand and support us may enter the MAKAI, AKUMA society.

You originated from JIGOKU, which is a realm reserved for human punishment when MAKAI rules are disobeyed. What are a few of these rules so that when the humans who attend your rituals do not receive punishment?

六つ、食べ物を粗末にするな 等だな
One, do not attend any activities relating to God.
Two, prevent people from attending activities related to God.
Three, do not be polite for any reason.
Four, do not care about how the majority of society sees you.
Five, be kind to the earth.
Six, do not waste food, et cetera.

聖飢魔Ⅱの存在していた時代を”Before Demons(B.D)”と云いますが、これは現在悪魔(Demons)が世界を支配しているということを暗示しているのでしょうか。世界征服とはさぞ膨大な任務だったでしょう。閣下、悪魔にとってこの征服は骨の折れる仕事だったのでしょうか。征服後はどのようにやっていくおつもりですしょうか?
The era before the existence of SEIKIMA-II is "Before Demons" (BD). This implies that now demons rule the world. Taking over the world must have been an enormous task. Your Excellency, was it difficult for the demons to take over? How do you think the demons fared after taking over?

DEMON KAKKA: 我々が実際に世界を征服する代わりに、世界征服の為の種を撒いたようなモノ。 しかし、今その種が少しづつではあるけれども育っている。いくつかの種は育って芽を出している。AKUMAはそのプロセスを観察しているのだ。聖飢魔Ⅱ以外にも音楽活動をしているAKUMA達がいるのだが、趣味としてそのプロセスを観察しているものもいる。
I would say that what we've done is spread seeds for taking over the world instead of we actually took over the world, yet. Now, the seed that are growing little by little; some of them grew new leaves and buds. AKUMA is watching the process. There are some AKUMAs who are working on other music activities besides SEIKIMA-II as their hobby while they are watching the process.

Where did you come up with the idea for your outfits? Is this the normal dress attire for the AKUMA society?

DEMON KAKKA: 人間界には悪魔の仕立て屋がいて、我々の衣装(戦闘服)は地球上で活動する為に特別に発注して作られたものである。魔界の重力及び次元は地球のそれとは違うため、我々は同じ服を着る事ができない。
Our costume is special order-made for our work on the earth. We have a human tailor who deals with AKUMA sew our costumes. Because the level of gravity and dimension in MAKAI is different than on the earth, we cannot wear the same clothing there.

SEIKIMA-II disbanded in 1999. What made you decide to not only reunite, but to spread your music to the USA with Oni-Con in 2009 and A-Kon in 2010?

DEMON KAKKA: 聖飢魔Ⅱ解散後、海外から我々の曲をリリースしないかと沢山のオファーを貰った。しかしながら、我々は既に解散してしまったバンドなので、常に断っていた。2年前にアニメーションプロデューサーの静野孔文氏からコラボレーションアニメを作らないかとオファーを貰い、承諾した。そういった訳で、今年は我々が任務を終えて10周年記念の年でもあり、我々が征服した社会を視察するにはいい時期なのではないかと考え、AKUMA大教典の世界発布に踏み切ったわけだ。
After SEIKIMA-II disbanded, there were many offers to release our music outside Japan. However, since we had already disbanded, we've always refused to do so. Two years ago, an animation producer Kubon Sizuno offered to create a collaboration with his anime using our music, and then we accepted it. I thought it would be a good time to inspect the society that we took over. Also, this is the 10th anniversary of finishing our mission; therefore, we decided to release an AKUMA tenet of scripture world wide.

なぜ再結集は期間限定なのでしょうか?Why is the reunion only temporary?

DEMON KAKKA: 全てのものに終わりがある。我々が活動を始める時は、事前に終焉を決める。
Everything has to have an ending. Before we start an activity, we set an ending for it.

Your MySpace reads that SEIKIMA-II is going to play some international series of AKUMA worship rituals. Which locations does the band expect or want to perform these rituals?

DEMON KAKKA:北米、欧州、及びアジアを予定している。詳細は公式サイト及びMyspaceにて、来るべき時が来たら告知されるであろう。勿論,仕事の提案はいつでも歓迎する。
We are planning to visit ten places including North America, Europe and Asia. Details will be announced via our official website and Myspace when the time comes. Of course, we are welcome to any propositions!

今現在、再始動を果たしたわけですが、復帰を期待している古くからのファンが多いでしょうか?それとも日本で一番有名なメタルバンドとして興味を持っている新規ファンの方が多いでしょうか?Now that you're active again, do you have many previous fans awaiting your return or more of the newer ones who are interested in one of the most famous metal bands of Japan?

DEMON KAKKA: 我々にとって新規信者、古参信者、どちらも大切であり、その数は気にしない。
Both new and previous followers are important to us, so we do not care about the number.

SEIKIMA-II disbanded when the Devil's calendar began. However, this was predetermined when the band first began. What was it about that era that made the band decide to end activities at that time?

DEMON KAKKA: 我々は結成日より悪魔カレンダー始めることにした。聖飢魔Ⅱの目的はその日より新しい時代を築くことである。目的を成し得た後、組織や団体を解体すると云う事は、理に適っていると思わないか?何かを始めると云う事は、何かを終える事と一緒である。
We noted that the AKUMA calendar will begin at a certain date when we formed. This is to say, our purpose for doing SEIKIMA-II is to start a new era on that day. Doesn't it make sense to dissolve an organization or group when they have accomplished their purpose? Starting something new is equal to the end of something.

2005年に20周年祝いとして初再結成しましたね。聖飢魔Ⅱ解散5年後、悪魔教の教えの普及についてどう感じますか?In 2005, you had a first comeback where you celebrated your 20th anniversary. How do you feel the AKUMA faith had spread among the humans after SEIKIMA-II was disbanded for five years?

DEMON KAKKA: 結果満足だ。I was satisfied with the result.

Your latest performance in the USA isn't your first time performing outside of Japan. How do you feel this performance differed from your previous performances?

DEMON KAKKA: 前回の公演は、the Warとも言え、今回はthe Triumph.それが吾輩の頭に浮かんだ絵図である。
I can say that I refer the previous live performance as the War and the newer performance was the Triumph. That's the type of picture I have in my head.

Your Excellency, what is the reason behind changing your name from DEMON KOGURE to DEMON KAKKA? What is the difference between the meanings of these two names?

DEMON KAKKA: 閣下は Living fire と閣下と云う意味があり、小暮はTwilight of Sunset という意味である。
KAKKA means the Living fire and the Excellency, and KOGURE means the Twilight of Sunset.

Your Excellency has held a number of seminars and speeches in Japan; for example, there was one at Waseda University. What were these seminars about?

DEMON KAKKA:吾輩はこれまで世界調査ツアーというものに2回程参加して来た。基本的に吾輩の経験を踏まえ、文化交流、環境保護、移ろいやすい世の中でのどのように暮らしているか等の素晴らしさをレクチャーで語っている。
I have been attending the World inspection tour twice so far. Based on the experience, I give a lecture about the significance of intercultural exchange, environmental prevention and how can they spend a variable college life and so on.

If you had this opportunity in the USA, what would you like to teach your audience?

DEMON KAKKA: 先ほど言った様に、吾輩は"The World that You Do Not Know.(あなたの知らない世界)"を伝えたいと思っている。
The same answer as I just mentioned. I would like to talk about "The World that You Do Not Know."

You have released a series of CDs under the "GIRLS ROCK" theme, on which you cover songs from female pop stars. What inspired you to cover these songs? How did you select the tracks and decide on their arrangement?

DEMON KAKKA: 女性の心を感じつつ唄うのは、ヴォーカリストにとっていいトレーニングになる。幾多の曲の中から選曲する方法は沢山あるんだが、吾輩は何点かのポイントに絞って選曲した。吾輩が唄いたいと思うもの、吾輩の声、唱歌にあうもの、また誰も吾輩が唄うとは思わないであろうもの、などだな。曲のアレンジは、スウェーデンのGrand IllusionAnders Rydholmに、彼の音楽センスを見越して依頼した。
Singing the feelings from a woman is good training as a vocalist. There are a lot of ways to pick a song among many of them. Basically, I focused on a few points: a song that I want to sing, a song that matches my singing and a song where nobody would expect me to actually be singing, etcetra. I asked Anders Rydholm from Grand Illusion who is Swedish to arrange those songs, and I did so in regards his music sense.

Your Excellency, you've gone above and beyond the music industry by becoming a television personality and having your own radio show, to name a few. How did these opportunities come about? How do you feel these different outlets have helped you grow as an artist?

DEMON KAKKA: 吾輩は機会があればいつでも違う世界で経験を積みたいと思っている。”WORLD(世界)”と云う言葉は国々、コミュニティ、文化、宗教、スタイル、習慣、傾向、職業、社会人を意味する。吾輩実は60カ国近くもの国やコミュニティに行った事がある。もし誰かが吾輩に私たちのために働いてくれないかと聞いて来たら、どんな仕事でも、妥当な理由がありさえすればそれに応えたいと思っている。自分の文化と習慣からかけ離れたそれらに触れるという相互作用は、精神的受容力を広くするし、感性を研ぎ澄ます大変良い機会である。
I am always willing to experience different worlds as long as I have the opportunity to. The word "world" implies counties, communities and also the cultures, religious, style, customs, trends, and occupations; most of stuff in the society. I have actually visited almost 60 different countries and communities. If someone asks me to work for them, any type of work, I would like to answer as long as they have an appropriate reason. Interacting cultures and customs that are different from the one you are used to makes your mind capacity wider and would also be a great opportunity to refine your sensitivity.

How did you spend your time preparing for A-Kon?

DEMON KAKKA: 前回の活動から5年経つので、元の勘を戻すために先ずリハビリから始め、その後、我々が訪問予定としてる各国の文化とユーモアを研究した。
It's been five years since our previous activity, so we started with rehab in order to bring back our condition. After that, we studied about the cultures and humors of the the countries we are planning to visit; U.S, Europe, and Asia.

Lastly, please leave a message for our readers.

DEMON KAKKA: 見た目だけで他人を判断をするな。中身を見ろ!諸君、聖飢魔IIとの素晴らしい体験をする前に、人生を終わらせることのないように。
Do not judge others based on the way they look; look at them from inside! Make sure not to finish your life before you have an awesome experience with SEIKIMA-II!

Many thanks to Cure Media USA for making this interview possible.


地球が壊れて行く様を ーーーーーで知らされる ここは何処、今はいつ、私は誰 猿の惑星かな Ah

うたかたに抗う度 人は鬼になる 悠久の星時計で 眺めれば 天も地もただ Babies in their dreams

眠りのそこには別世界 本当の愛を知る世界 行くときはどうしても一人だから 後押しが欲しいのさ

うたかたを胸に秘めて 輪廻の果て迄 シャボン玉飛んで消える 消えるけど また逢えるだろう Baby in your dream

嗚呼 鏡の中のmoon light 嗚呼 包容力のgood night

行くときはどうしても一人だから 後押しが欲しいのさ Ah

Babies in their dreams 繰り返して 今を愛でるのさ

うたかたに抗う度 人は鬼になる 悠久の星時計で 眺めれば 天も地もただ Babies in their dreams Ah!


じゃじゃーん、聖飢魔II Cocktail recipe!!
しかし懐かしいなぁ、解散直前に開催された大阪全日空ゲートタワーホテルでのディナーショー、聖飢魔II構成員監修のカクテルやったんよね、これ。ディナーショーって・・・演歌歌手かよ、って同僚に突っ込まれた聖飢魔II ディナーショー、ディナーとショーは別でちょっとがっかりした気がナキニシモアラズw でも楽しかったヨ。懐かしい・・・。


聖飢魔II Seikima-II Cocktail recipe

H.E.Demon デーモン閣下
Creme de framboise クレーム ド フランボワーズ 15ml
Lejay Cassis Crema de cassis ルジェ カシス  10ml
Strawberry liqueur ストロベリーリキュール  10ml
Lemon juice レモンジュース  5ml
Milk ミルク  20ml

C.P. Ace エース長官
White Rum ホワイトラム  15ml
Creme de framboise クレーム ド フランボワーズ 30ml
Grapefruits juice グレープフルーツジュース  45ml
Tonic water トニックウオーター  Fullcup
Ice cubes キューブアイス  1p

H.H.Raiden ライデン殿下
Old crow オールドクロー  20ml
Lejay cassis ルジェ カシス  20ml
Lemon juice レモンジュース 10ml
Tomato juice トマトジュース  30ml
Coca cola コカコーラ   Fullcup

Dr. Xenon ゼノン和尚
White Rum ホワイトラム  20ml
Parfait Amour パルフェ タムール  15ml
Grape juice グレープジュース  10ml
Grapefruits juice グレープフルーツジュース 15ml

S.G. Luke ルーク参謀

Beefeater gin ビフィータジン  30ml
PeachTree ピーチツリー  30ml
Parfait Amour パフェ タムール  15ml
Lemon juice レモンジュース 1/2TSP
Meursault* ムルソー  45ml
*I think it might be White wine made in France.

These Cocktails were official Seikima-II cocktails supervised by Seikima-II, served at the ANA Gate Tower Hotel Osaka in Japan ( might be in B.D.1...1999.) I went there but never tried and missed those cocktails, you know, at the time I couldn't drink alcohols a lot X'( Now I got those recipe and can make them at home, yay!
Now, take it! Take it Take it! Natural born instinct will lead me to you !!

Let me know which one is the best for you!!!
A-KON/Dallasにて、米国特撮サイト・Monster Attack TeamのEDOさんが聖飢魔II独占インタビューに臨みました。MAT限定インタビューのみ抜粋して、ざっくり適当に悪魔訳つけましたのでご一読下さいませ。
Monster Atack Teamの本サイトは以下からご覧下さい★


From Yurinka with Love.

EDO: 1990年 代のスペインと英国での欧州公演にむけ何を準備をし、またどのようにとらえられましたか?What was it like preparing for the 1990s Europe tour and playing in Spain and London and how were you received?

DEMON: 我々は主に歌詞をスペイン語若しくは英語に替える業務に徹し、 構成員は特にこれといった予定は立てていなかった。構成員は少しだけスペイン語と英語を勉強し、3つ言葉を覚えたんだが、最初のは MUERTE! (死)

The band members and performers had nothing particularly planned but we spent most of our time changing our lyrics to either Spanish or English. Members studied a bit how to speak Spanish or English. We learned 3 sentences to say. First one was, muerte! (death)

RAIDEN: Muerte.

DEMON: 二つ目に覚えた言葉は"Jyo Tambien pienso asi."(私もそう思います)。 スペインの女の子たちがステージに上がって聖飢魔Ⅱとフラメンコやらなんやらを踊ったんだが、彼女達はとっても可愛 かったので、吾輩はスペイン語で ”スペイン人の女の子達はとても可愛い!! ”ミタイな事を言った。そうしたらその時、皆口々に、"Jyo tambien pienso asi.(私もそう思います)"と。

The second one was Jyo Tambien pienso asi. (I also think so) That's why.many Spanish girls were going up to the stage together with Seikima II, dancing Flamenco or something. There were very pretty Spanish girls there, so I said in Spanish something like, "Spanish girls are very pretty!" Then everyone said, "Jyo tambien pienso asi."

RAIDEN & XENON : "Jyo tambien pienso asi."

DEMON: "Muerte," や "Jyo tambien pienso asi."こが我々のステージ上で喋りなんだが。それからすぐ、コンサートホールからホテルまでタクシーに乗らなければならなかった為、我々は別のフレーズ を使い始めた。我々聖飢魔Ⅱのプロデューサーが教えてくれたんだが、” "Recibo por favor.(レシート下さい)"だから皆毎日タクシーの中で"Jyo tambien pienso asi, Muerte, Recibo por favor, Jyo tambien pienso asi, Muerte, Recibo por favor,"って言っていた。(爆笑

We were saying "Muerte," and "Jyo tambien pienso asi." This is how we were speaking onstage. Then we said another phrase since everybody had to take a taxi from the concert hall to the hotel. Our producer told us to say, "Please get a receipt." So, we said, "Recibo por favor." So everybody everyday was saying, "Jyo tambien pienso asi, Muerte, Recibo por favor, Jyo tambien pienso asi, Muerte, Recibo por favor," in the taxis. (Lots of laughs).

RAIDEN (何度も): Muerte!

DEMON: だからタクシーの運ちゃんが”彼らは何を言ってるんだ?”って。

So taxi drivers were saying, what are they speaking?

EDO:多くのファンが メキシコ始め他諸国に来て欲しいと切望していました。世界各地に沢山の聖飢魔Ⅱファンがいますね。(構成員頷く)今後欧州、北米ツアーを展開する予定はあ りますか?

There were many fans wishing you could come to Mexico and other countries. You have many fans everywhere. (Nods of acknowledgement by band members) Do you plan on doing an extended tour of Europe and North America in the future?

Weekly Shonen SundayVol 40 1986

DEMON: 次の質問に答える前に、知っての通り我々は期間限定再集結バンドである。故に今年出来るだけ多くの国、多くの都市に行ければと企画していたが、やはり欧 州・米国各地を周るということは大変難しかった。パリとダラスの2カ所のみに来る事になった。我々としては本当に出来る限り多くの場所に行きたかったのだ が、今年限りの限定再結成では公演会場を手配も大変難儀であったので、パリとここダラスの2カ所のみの公演となった。

To answer your second question, you know we are the limited reunion band so we planned to hopefully go to many countries this year and many cities, but it is very difficult to go around Europe and the states, so we came to just two places Dallas and Paris. We really want to go as many places as possible, but since it was only a reunion for just this year it was very difficult to book places so we just came here and later we are off to Paris.

EDO: 私たちは大変運が良 かったわけですね。ところで、ロンドン滞在中のAbbey Road Studiosでのレコーディングは楽しかったですか?

We are very fortunate for it. While you were in London did you enjoy recording in Abbey Road Studios? Was it fun?

RAIDEN & XENON : 本当に楽しかったね~。(1994年Fitzbeat/sony recordsから発売された大教典PONKは、悪名高いビートルズ、ピンクフロイド、ラジオヘッド、パニックアットディスコ他多数を排出したスタジオで 制作された。)

We had a great time. (The album, "Ponk," released on Fitzbeat/Sony Records in 1994 was produced at the infamous studios of The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Panic at the Disco and countless others.)

EDO: 聖飢魔Ⅱの舞台、戦闘服やビデオは東宝、円谷、東映スタジオの影響を多分に受けている様に思います。OVAの「HUMANE SOCIETY ~人類愛に満ちた社会~」も素晴らしい映画でした、そういったライヴアクションムービーを製作の考えた事はあります か?閣下の戦闘服は仮面ライダーをも彷彿させますし、今後特撮映画を製作する予定はありませんか?

Toho, Tsuburaya and Toei Studios seem to be a strong influence on the stage show, costumes, and some of your videos. The OVA (Original Video Anime) "Humane Society" (directed by Jun Kamiya who worked on the "Bleach" anime series and movie) was a cool film, but do you ever plan on making a live action movie on the band or its characters? Even your costume is reminiscent of Kamen Rider and the design is very cool. Do you ever plan on doing a tokusatsu live action movie in the future?

JAIL: (英語で) スポンサー次第かな。(笑/参謀・閣下)

It depends on the sponsor. (Laughs from Luke and Demon).

DEMON: その通り。我々は今年限りの活動を行う限定再結成故に、その様なプロジェクトは我々にとって難しい。しかし、20年前に作ったプロモーションビデオがある んだが、それはいくらかアクションムービーらしいものだが、”The Outer Mission"見た事あるかね?

Right. We are only active for this year with the limited reunion so such a project would be difficult to do for us as well. But we have a promotion video made 20 years or so ago. It was somewhat like an action movie titled, "The Outer Mission." Did you watch it?

EDO: ええ、みました。I have seen it.

DEMON: ディレクターは手塚治虫の息子の、手塚眞。3、4曲一緒に手掛けた。The director was the son of Tezuka Osamu (father of the golden age of manga & creator of Astroboy, Kimba, Black Jack, etc.) His name is Tezuka Makoto. In this film we had 3 or 4 songs together. (Tezuka Makoto, part owner of Tezuka Productions has also released posthumous works of his father and is married to professional manga artist, Reiko Okano.)

EDO: ラッツベインとか?Like "Ratsbane" and..?

DEMON: そうそう、沢山撮ったよ。Yes, yes. We filmed video and there were a lot of.

EDO: ZZTOPみ たいな衣装着て歩き回ったり? You guys were dressed like ZZ Top walking around?


EDO: よかったですよ、あれ。さて、この質問は全構成員にお願いします。もし他のミュージシャン若しくは他のバンドとツアーに出れるとした ら、誰と一緒に競演したいですか? It was very good! This question is for all members. If you could meet or if you could tour with any musician, or any band in the world whom would you like to tour with? (Later at the Q&A they were asked this same question and had similar responses.)

XENON: うーん.

DEMON: お先にどうぞ(他の構成員に促す) Please go ahead (directed at other members).


DEMON: AC/DC? (他の構成員・笑).もう今現在存在しないバンドとかでもいい? Is it okay if the band does not exist?

EDO:どんなバンドでも結構ですよ。 Any band is okay.


JAIL: ああ!Aahh!

XENON: Tower of Power

RAIDEN: いいねぇ。Sounds good.

LUKE: ええと、レッド ツェッペリン Well, Led Zeppelin.

JAIL: ビートルズ The Beatles

DEMON: ストーンズじゃないの?ストーンズでしょ?Not the Stones? The Stones, right?

JAIL: ビートルズ、Ok、エルビス・プレスリー(微笑)The Beatles.okay, Elvis Presley (small laughter)

DEMON: マドンナ Madonna

全構成員: おおっ!?Whoa!!!

EDO: おお,それ は素晴らしいThat's great, wow.

LUKE: アダム ランバート Adam Lambert

EDO: 誰ですか? Who?

LUKE: アダム ランバート  Adam Lambert

DEMON:知らないなぁ。I don't know who that is

JAIL: 知らない。 I don't know who that is.

DEMON: 誰なのそれ?Who is that?

LUKE: アメリカンアイドルの昨年の出演者だよAmerican Idol performer from last year. ※American Idol Season8で準優勝

DEMON: え?そうなの?今知ったわ。Is that so? Oh, now I know.

EDO: 本当に? Really?

LUKE: そうそう。Yeah.

JAIL: もしビートルズとツアーに出たら、毎日ショウ見れるけど、きっと一回見たら十分だよね。

If we toured with The Beatles, then we could see their show everyday, but maybe once is enough.

RAIDEN: いえーい!Yeah!


How long did it take to prepare for the Intercontinental Black Mass Tour?

DEMON: 一ヶ月位かな。It took about a month.

EDO: 流石プロですね!!Wow you guys are so professional.

DEMON: 再結成はリハビリみたいなもんだから。(笑)The reunion was like rehabilitation. (Laughter)

XENON: リハーサルじゃなくて、リハビリね。It was not rehearsal. It was rehabilitation.

EDO: おもしろいですね。では日本のツアーでなにか違った特別なものを期待出来ますか?Interesting. For the Japan tour what we might expect, something different or special?

DEMON: (止まって) リハビリテーションだから。Rehabilitation (爆笑)

EDO: わかりました w I understand. (I contained my laughter, but really wanted to laugh out loud.)

DEMON: 現段階ではまだ詳しい事は決めていない、というのもツアーが始まるのは秋であって、我々は昨日のダラスミサに向け注力して来たのだ。よってまだ日本公演に ついては何も考えていない。

We have not really decided to do any preparations yet, since the tour starts in the autumn. Since we were so focused on Dallas yesterday we have not really thought about the shows in Japan yet.

JAIL & XENON: このメンバーでの公演は初めてだから、言ったら new former bandみたいなもんだよね。It is the first show with this member lineup so it is like a new former band.

JAIL: 我々の歴史の中でも初めてだね。This is the first time in our history with this lineup.

EDO: このメンバー での音は最高に良かったですよ。昨晩観客皆感動してました。This lineup sounds very good. Last night the audience was very impressed.

JAIL: まだリハビリ中だけどね。(他の構成員・笑)It is still rehab. (Laughter from members).

EDO: この質問は石川さんへ。以前聖飢魔IIファンクラブ魔人倶楽部に、聖飢魔Ⅱが10年、それ以上続 けばいいと書いていらっしゃいましたよね。

This is to Ishikawa san, you made a post in SEIKIMA II Fan Club 'MAGINE CLUB that you wanted the band to be around for 10 years or more.

XENON: ああ、それね。バンドが聖飢魔Ⅱとしての活動を終えた後、僕が言いたかったのは、活動そのものでもバンドでもなく、音楽やCDや聖飢魔Ⅱの魂と云ったものが生き続ければいいなと云う事。皆(解散後も)聴きたいと思っていて欲しいし、聖飢魔IIの精神が永遠に生き続いて欲しいと思う。嬉しいね、僕らは生き残ってたね。

I understand. After the band has absolved their activities as SEIKIMA II, what I meant to say is that not the activity, not the band, but the music, cds, and the soul of SEIKIMA II hopefully lives on. I hope that everyone wants to hear us and I want our spirit to be kept alive forever. I am very happy that we have survived.

EDO: 私は1986年に初めて聖飢魔Ⅱのレコード2枚を買って以来ファンです。Since I bought your first 2 records back in 1986, as a fan.

DEMON: 1986???

JAIL: Hmmm.


EDO: 昨日のパフォーマンスは素晴らしかったです。


No one stateside knew about your music and yesterday's performance was completely different and wonderful. (It was very surreal to see them playing on the small Sheraton Hotel ballroom stage. Everything became blurry at times during the show. It was hard to believe it was happening in the U.S. and it felt as if it was an arena concert. The audience was ecstatic and I enjoyed it even more!)

Dahlia Kriheli and John Erigo


EDO: 本当に嬉しいです。 I am so happy for you guys.

DEMON: ああ、Ahh, hmm. Uh huh.

EDO: 首を長くして待ってましたから。It was a long road as fan to see that day.

DEMON: なるほど。Uh huh.

JAIL: いい目してるね。You had a good eye.

DEMON: いや、ほんとうに。Yes! Right, right.

EDO: ええ多分。Maybe so.

JAIL: いい目だよ!You had a good eye!

EDO: こんな素晴らしい曲を作りつつ、どうやって20年以上もの間バンド活動を続けて来れたのですか?信じられない!凄い結束力ですね。

So how have you been able to keep the band together, making such good music, so well for over 2 decades? It's incredible. You guys are very tight.

DEMON: 何故って?Why?

EDO: どうやって?

LUKE: 何故なら我々は悪魔だからだ。 ふははははは

Because we are Devil! (Laughs and screams)

DEMON: We are 悪魔、悪魔、悪魔!We are Akuma, Akuma! Akuma!

EDO: そうですか、なるほど。(閣下の凄まじい力を、シリアスな口調から感じた) I understand. (I felt H.E's incredible power as he said this in a serious tone.)

LUKE: グッジョブ!Good Job.

EDO: お忙しいとは思いますが、もう1つ質問が。海外Shinjaは・・・ I know you are busy. I have one more question. Should overseas Shinjas...

DEMON: Disciples!(信奉者達)

EDO: 聖飢魔Ⅱとして若しくは個人プロジェクトとしての海外活動は期待出来ますか?また、米国及び欧州で発売されるDVDに字幕を付けて欲しい、とファンからの要望があります。ロシア始めギリシャやベネズエラ等多くのファンが居ますが、やはり日本公演には行けないファンが多いですから。

Expect more international activity from the band, or individual projects? And additionally, many fans have asked about subtitling your dvds for American and European release. Fans from Russia to Greece to Venezuela are interested, because many cannot travel to Japan to see your shows.

DEMON: その件はレコード会社に直接メールしてくれ。Please send mail directly to the record company.

EDO: わかりました、そうします。(字幕要請キャンペーンに協力してくれる方はMATにメール下さい)Okay, we will. (Who would like to help with such a letter campaign? Please contact MAT.)

BAND MEMBERS: お金の問題なので、我々は介入出来ない。How could we do it? It is a money issue.

EDO: (閣下のソロプロジェクト)√hakurai showは大分好感を持たれていましたね。皆あのタイトル楽しんでましたよ。

Many reacted favorably about your "Hakurai" show (Demon's solo project which involved Takashi (Jail) O'hashi, their keyboardist Yuichi Matsuzaki, drummer, Kohta Igarashi and Swedish bass guitarist, Anders Rydholm and guitarist, Ola af Trampe) Many people really enjoyed that title!

Demon's solo album - Girls Rock Hakurai

DEMON:√hakurai show ああ、あれね。 Hakurai show, ah hah!

EDO: とてもユニークで、皆楽しんで聴いてましたよ。They enjoyed it and it is very unique to their collections.

DEMON: あれは字幕ついてるよね。もう一つあるんだが、
怒羅吸裸は見たことあるかね?(舞踏歌劇 怒羅吸裸 THE LIVE BLACK MASS B.D.4)

It has subtitles. We have one. Did you ever watch "Dracula?" (Butou Kageki Dracula - The Live Black Mass B,D.4B, 1995/2005 BMG Japan Inc)

EDO: はい、北海道公演の。 Yes, in Hokkaido.

DEMON: そう北海道 Hokkaido.

EDO: はい、あれは素晴らしいです。Yes, it's great!

DEMON: 英語字幕は全部のシーンについてないけれども、始めから終わりまで至る所に出て来る。And English subtitles, are not in every scene, but sometimes they are there throughout.

EDO: 雨天での公演でしたね。You were playing in the rain.

DEMON: そうそう、(笑)Yeah, yeah. (laughs)

EDO: これも人気の一本ですよ。That is a popular one too.

DEMON: これ日本国外で売ってないんだが。幾らかかるか分らないが、翻訳料は高いんじゃない。世界は金だな。

It's not selling outside of Japan. But maybe, the cost I am not sure about that. It will cost a lot to have them translated. World. World is money.

EDO: Yes, yes. スペイン語では" el mundo es dinero."

DEMON: El mundo es dinero, el mundo es dinero. Dinero is money! (I thought he was going to burst out in song for a second)

EDO: 本当にありがとうございました。Thank you so much, I appreciate it.

DEMON: ありがとう。Yeah, thank you.

EDO: 貴方は本当に素晴らしいパフォーマーです。貴方の様な本当のミュージシャンが居ることに感謝します,Muy fuerte(とても強く)。 I want to say that you are incredible performers. I really appreciate true musicians as yourselves. Muy fuerte. (very strong)

DEMON: Muy fuerte, muy fuertes. Uh!

EDO: Strong! Thank you very much for your time.

JAIL: Thank you.

EDO: Thank you so much.

DEMON: You are welcome.

EDO: See you next time.

DEMON: Yeah, next time.

EDO: 昔あなたにサイン貰ったんですが、その時洗脳されました。You put on an autograph you signed to me one time, you wrote, I brainwashed.

DEMON: ああ、Ahh, ah hah.

EDO: 覚えてますか? Do you remember?

DEMON: Shibuya AXで?

EDO: 洗脳されました。あなたのせいですSir. My brain is washed. It's your fault, sir.

DEMON: Good!!! It's good for your life.

EDO: そう思います。Yes I think so. (All members laugh) Arigatou gozaimashita.