


: View full sizeMike Levy, The Plain DealerBrowns linbacker Clay Matthews waits during the final moments of a 1993 game against the New England Patriots. Fourth of five partsClay Matthews made the fans proud.My favorite Brown? Pretty easy question. Clay Matthews. I loved his workmanlike attitude. Driving his old Mercury Capri to work every day even after he had "made it." He embodies the Cleveland area and what Browns fans are about. He may not have been the most gifted athlete on the field, but you knew he was going to bring his lunch bucket and play 60 minutes, and there would be no mental mistakes Quality Tom Brady Jersey . A class guy. I remember a game late in his career where the announcers said he looked like he had lost a step. On the next play, he intercepted a pass, sealing a victory, causing the announcers to say what a wily veteran he was. A winner who wanted to play in Cleveland.-- Jim OusleyHe was with the Browns from my earliest memories of watching the Browns until I was in my late teens. Clay epitomized hard work and consistency that defined the people of Cleveland during that time period. It was a joy to watch him play football Quality Wes Welker Jersey .-- Michael Hartley"That kid from Notre Dame," said Sam Rutigliano. "He was a defensive back, and we were ready to take him instead of Clay Matthews."Luther Bradley?"That's right, Bradley," said Rutigliano, the Browns coach during the 1978 NFL draft. "If he had been there, we'd have been happy to take him at No. 12 Quality Rob Gronkowski Jersey ."But in a Plain Dealer story after the draft, Art Modell said the Browns had Matthews rated No. 4 in the entire draft. No one said anything about Luther Bradley."That's not true," said Rutigliano, laughing. "That was just Art talking. We really liked Clay, especially (assistant coach) Dick MacPherson. He went out to USC and talked to Clay; he really wanted us to take Clay."Rutigliano paused for a moment."We should be real happy Luther Bradley didn't fall to us," said Rutigliano. "Because I don't care what anyone says, Clay Matthews is a Hall of Fame player."Book notes"Things I've Learned from Watching the Browns" (Gray, $14.95)Terry Pluto wondered why, despite 40 years of teasing and heartbreak capped by a decade of utter futility, Browns fans continue to stick with their team.