Some people just want to do what they like in peace, for the rest of their life.


After finished watching, I felt very sorry for Vivian. Because her work is really cool compared to that era and she was just a nanny!? not even calling herself a photographer.
I first watched it in 2014 and I was excited about her photos and persona. after that, I thought my ending would probably be like that somehow. Not
socialize, work and earn money to feed my passion and then die. where my existence and my work will never be discovered or it might only matter when I'm dead.
But after re-watching it with a changed attitude. I think I want to be discovered while alive, not just after death.
It would be a shame if our work was valuable to someone but we're already dead. And then who can we ask?
like now, We can't ask her anymore.
I feel like photography is the only thing that keeps her alive .
She probably didn't want to be popular from it. But she just wanted to keep shooting it to nourish her heart until her last breath.
You can see it in her awesome work. She may be obsessed with it for a long time and has a real passion for it. She may not even know that the work is very artistic
She made me feel how awesome the work I can get when I can reach my real passion in it. The passion that doesn't always come from a cool technique or concentrating until your eyes bleed. But it might be a relaxing walk while you can press the shutter without having anything in your head.
In the documentary, They presented her identity. But it seems that we can't reach all of her anyway.
And the identity we have seen is the perception of those around her which may not even be her real self.
They said she is introverted and mysterious but judging by her photographs, instead, there were only pictures of people.
Maybe she's as extroverted as she could be.
But no one could understand her
I initially watched it just to know what made her take such great photos, but it turned out to be a question that " What has she been through? " .
photo she took has something hidden that you may not be able to see but you can only feel it.