Today is halloween and I'm stuck at home doing my one week of missed school work...!!
I finished my Literature 12 online already, and my QRQ (quote response question) for the Lord of the Flies for English on Chapters 7 and 8! And now I'm doing my Science... it's really annoying since I have to copy practically the whole textbook on a package of useless things... the teachers are really lazy to make us do this!! My eyes hurt and I haven't even taken a shower yet... and I have my Art and math tutor to finishas well... I am never going to miss another day of school... ever again - EVER!! It'sdeath trying to catch up to everyone!!!!!!
So I've been watching "We Got Married" for the whole day today and I've only just finished episode 5! It's really entertaining and I keep imagining what would happen if I were on that show with another guy! It would be quite fun, and possibly stressing as you would have to keep yourself under control... I guess?

I just have three more days until I can go back to school! Been away since last Thursday 'cause my doctor told me not to go for a week due to the flu... I'm so bored!!