明けまして おめでとうございます~!

ウィンーチャンこと Winsonです 

Got a long time din't blog にひひ

talk about ehm~ そだ! Last year December i going singapore

Watch the NMB48の最初の海外公演!!In singapore!

here some picture i take~


this is Ayan yan , Rina and nana in the van when after event~ o(^▽^)o



and this is After the First Stage live i lucky take it!! (^^)

but after that staff say can't take photo...(= =) haiz...

and about the last day of year 2011 i finally wear the t-shirt!!


that i buy from Singapore AKB offical shop Team N first stage t-shirt!

very love it!! (‐^▽^‐)

and about this year i get myseft a present! is this ! チョキ


DX Fouze Driver !!! めつちや嬉しいです!!

and thinking to get more Fourze toy if i can (^o^)

こんいちわ~Winson です

it's been no long time din't blogging ... so i just blog now 得意げ (boring)

Few week ago i just receive some goods~ (^o^)

First i use my yukirin in guam trade with amin one from my friend (^^)


And then My Very First WPB にひひ and amin theater photo oct ver!

And Last Week i Go jogging with friend at paddy field~

and i din't feel hot either! (゜д゜;)

few day ago a bad thing is happend... my AKB in guam's Data Crash!!! しょぼん

i waste of almost 2 month time...now crash (ToT)

i will try again...i will!!

そだ!!last week i rewatch Kamen Rider Decade!!I found Ankh!!
If i din't re-watch i will never know that べーっだ!

And i watch the let's go kamen rider net movie i found my rider is Diend!

i love his word when speak at faiz world
僕の旅のいせきは 僕だけい決まる!!(・∀・)

and more 2 day i going to Singapore watch NMB 公演!楽しみ~!

maybe can meet a lot of NetFriend ニコニコ

okay that's all for today (^o^)


最近急がしです 僕の重要テストは来週が始まりますガーン


そだ!先週 i just get my 風は吹いている の single!


and with a AKB 1/48 in guam offical book~

Type A i get Myao Photo~ type B is Yuko (why i can't get あーみん one)しょぼん

I get the あーみん 劇場版 photo from yahoo auction Thanks My friend for help!

