Headless WordPress refers to a setup where the WordPress content management system (CMS) is used purely as a backend, providing content management capabilities, while the frontend, where users interact with the website, is decoupled or detached from WordPress. In this architecture, WordPress is used solely to store and manage content, while a separate frontend framework or technology is used to display that content to users.

The "head" in headless refers to the frontend, which is what users see and interact with. By decoupling the frontend from WordPress, developers have more flexibility and control over the presentation layer. They can use modern JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js to build highly interactive and dynamic user interfaces. This approach also allows for better performance and scalability since the frontend and backend can be optimized independently.

In a headless WordPress setup, content is typically accessed via the WordPress REST API (Application Programming Interface), which allows developers to retrieve content (such as posts, pages, and custom post types) in JSON format. This content can then be consumed by any frontend application or website.

Overall, Headless WordPress offers developers greater flexibility, scalability, and the ability to create highly customized user experiences while still leveraging the familiar and robust content management capabilities of WordPress.


What is Bedrock WordPress?


Bedrock is a modern WordPress stack that aims to improve the WordPress development and deployment process. It provides a cleaner and more organized structure for WordPress projects, including features such as improved configuration management, dependency management using Composer, and better security practices.


Roots is the team behind Wordpress Bedrock, and they have developed several tools and frameworks to enhance WordPress development workflows. Bedrock, specifically, introduces a more modern development environment for WordPress, including the use of Composer for dependency management.


Composer is a dependency manager for PHP, similar to npm for Node.js or pip for Python. It allows developers to specify the libraries and packages their project depends on and manages the installation and updating of these dependencies automatically.


Check : Bedrock Wordpress Install


When combined, Bedrock, Roots, and Composer provides a robust and modern foundation for WordPress development. Bedrock improves the structure and organization of WordPress projects, Roots provides additional tools and frameworks, and Composer manages PHP dependencies, making the development and deployment process more efficient and reliable.