
New Delhi bombings death toll hits 59(cnn.com)

toll:the death toll the number of people who have died in an accident.

Relatives of a bombing victim mourn as they wait to receive her body today.

relative:a number of your family My uncle is my nearest relative.

mourn:to feel or show grief,especially when someone has died.

The old woman still mourns for her son.

The whole nation mourned his death.

Deal raises hopes for Iraqi constitustion(CNN)

Iraqis prepare ballot boxes for Saturday's vote on the country's proposed constitution.

text1: to make something ready for a future event or action

answer: prepare

fo example: She prepared the room for the guest.

text2: to fine out what people think by a secret vote


for example:The ballot is an important part of the democratic process.

text3:to express your choice officially from among the possibilities offered,usually by making a pice of paper, or by raising your hand at a meeting.

answer: vote

for example:You're only 16. You're too young to vote.

text4:to suggest something.

answer: propese

for example:He proposed delaying our decision for a few days.

text5:the system of laws and principles according to which a country is governed.


for example:Are you reading about the American constitution?

Quake too exceeds 30,000 (CNN)

exceed 30,000

what a tragic disaster.

i am hoping that many sufferer recovery soon.

and disaster relief can active safety.

Deth toll in Asia earthquake nears 20,000(CNN)

*toll : The earthquake took a heavy toll of lives.

I pray for the response of the victims.