Todays bathroom vanities are a far cry from the bathroom cabinets of the last century, your new bathroom is just a mouse click away!. For example, changing  just the vanity and bathroom sinks will quickly and easily change the look of your bathroom and for far less  money than you may think. I learned a long time ago that one of the best investments I could make was to update the bathroom to make it look modern and inviting. And, dont forget the bathroom hardware. One last point to remember: The most important bathroom accessory is the mirror and a quick update can dramatically change the feel of the room, making it appear larger, brighter, and more inviting.KitchenAndBathWarehouse. From post-modern to baroque, colonial to contemporary, bathroom vanities set the tone for the bathroom design. Being a single mom, I had to learn to do a lot of the work myselfand I was surprised at just how easy it is. Bathroom sinks have also been raised to the level of art, and it is wise to spend some time researching what you like, since bathroom sinks and bathroom vanities are married during the bathroom remodeling project.KitchenAndBathWarehouse.  I like to find a house, fix it up, then sell it for a profit and buy another house. From complete makeovers to quick changes of bathroom vanities, bathroom sinks, and bathroom accessories, even modest bathroom remodeling projects can pay big dividends when you sell your home. So, before you begin any bathroom remodeling project, be sure that the bathroom vanity you love will accommodate the bathroom sink you just have to have. And, you dont have to break the bank to make a noticeable difference. Choose the right hardware and faucets to enhance the look you are trying to achieve. So, there you have it how you can boost your homes value and create a new look and feel for the most-used room in your house with a simple weekend bathroom remodeling project and without having to take out a second mortgage! Client testimonial: Mary Anne Robertson in a freelance writer and part-time home rehabber. Thanks to the plethora of bathroom remodeling sites on the Internet, bathroom vanities, bathroom sinks, and all types of bathroom accessories are available for every taste and budget and at substantial discounts over what you would expect to pay at one of those big box stores. Thats why bathroom remodeling ranks alongside kitchen remodeling as Americas most popular home improvement. Some vanities are designed to accommodate a contemporary bathroom sink, such as the newly popular glass vessel and other above-top sinks, while others are designed to hold a traditional submerged or under-mounted bathroom sink. For more information and to see the latest trends in bathroom décor.Want to increase the value of your home in one weekend? Bathroom remodeling could be just the ticket. But, heres the best part: If you can use a hammer, drill, and wrench, you can accomplish this simple bathroom remodeling project by yourself and save hundreds of dollars in theprocess.KitchenAndBathWarehouse. Even in a down market, if you know what youre doing and you buy smart, you can turn a profit