► Are you single? Yes

► Are you happy? Kinda

► Are you bored? Hell yeah

► Are you sad? Somehow

► Are you Italian? No

► Are you German? No

► Are you Asian? 
No, unfortunately

► Are you angry? No

► Are you Irish? No

► Are your parents still married? No

► Birth place? Craiova

► Hair colour? Dark brown with red highlights

► Hair style? Straight?

► Eye colour? Hazel

► Birthday? 18 July

► Mood? Sleeeeeeeepy

► Gender? Female

► Lefty or righty? Righty

► Summer or winter? Winter

► Morning or afternoon? Afternoon


► Lemonade or iced tea? Lemonade

► Cats or dogs? Cats

► Television or Internet? Internet

► Pepsi or Coke? Both :D

► Wild night out or romantic night in? Romantic night in

► pink or purple? Purple

► Day or night? Night

► IM or phone? IM

► Been caught sneaking out? No

► Fallen off the stairs? Yes

► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? Uhm.. yeah

► Skipped school? So many times LOL

► Wanted to disappear? Yes


► Smile or eyes? Both

► Light or dark hair? Dark hair

► Fat or skinny? Skinny

► Shorter or taller? Taller

► Intelligence or attraction? Both?

► Jock or nerd? Jock

► Hook-up or relationship? Relationship

► Funny and poor OR rich and serious? Funny and poor

► Play the guitar or into sports? Play the guitar

► Last phone call/text? My mother

► Last phone call you received? ^

► Last person you hugged? My sister

► Last person you IM'ed? Shin

► Last thing you ate? Hm.. an orange

► Last thing you drank? Water

► Last site you went to? Last.fm

► Last place you were? Library