maybe saying goodbye for once & for all is best

because I don’t want to wait another 6 more years, or 10 more years.

I’m not even close to being an adult.

nowhere near close.

I’m sorry for making you feel alone.

you know I really love you, okay?

I’m sorry.

what are you waiting for?

whom are you waiting for?

nothing’s going to happen- nothing’s going to change.

or everything could always just end forever.

YO! SuG IS BACK!!!!! ASDFHGJKL; well they came back yesterday but laziness caught me so I only updated my personal blog ;;;

I’M SO HAPPY. LIKE, MORE THAN HAPPY. I WANTED TO START CRYING AND I JUMPED UP AND DOWN AND DEAR LORD. And Takeru’s solo project sounds so cool too & their look and asdhfgjkl;; /dies

yes, lots of things have happened! For instance, I received my Domo plushie from juicetin (finally) AND MY LOVELY FINALLY RECEIVED MY LETTER AND SHE’S SO HAPPY & I’M SO HAPPY TOO BECAUSE SHE LOOKS SO HAPPY ; ; everyone’s happy!!! I also got a bamboo steamer AND I’M GONNA USE IT ASAP

my babies are also getting bigger and becoming more naughty w~

been trying to have positive thoughts as well since Kaori has helped me out c: everything’s just been peachy & I’ve been trying really hard for nothing to bother me! I’ve been sick & can’t really speak because my throat hurts and I don’t like raising my voice orz

and next week is exam week & then I have my break AND I’M GOING TO WATCH THIZ IS 0 and we’re gonna go hiking soon as well!! MY MOM ALSO AGREED ON BUYING ME NEW RUNNING SHOES EVERYTHING IS GOING SO WELL ;____;

and that’s it~

I feel so bad for not updating but I’ve been so lazy/busy ;;;
