


I went to the clinic today.

It wasn't because I was sick or anything, no. I had to get my health certificate for school so I can graduate.

The doctor was really nice to me, she looked really young too. I decided to be nice as well, she was very pretty...

Next to her desk was a height-weight chart and it triggered the hell out of me.. I couldn't stop looking at it, at my height and seeing which weight was okay for me.

I'm gonna start exercising hopefully, next week, and then after exams too.

I'm more than excited, I feel ha
ppy for once.

But alone too, but I haven't been crying or anything, but still..

I'm kinda fine without coming back, I feel like I don't even want to come back anymore.

"Perhaps we can’t be strong enough

to get hurt in place of other people?

More than anyone on the other side of the world

I just want to make sure to hold you tightly and protect you"

ばいばい! (ω)