All I fucking want is to at least focus on my studies, be able to go on honor roll, not stress so fucking much and that's it.

I don't need you guys yelling at me constantly, laughing at me, telling me ugly shit, calling me names, constantly nagging me.

I. don't. fucking. need. that.

That is the least thing I want, for crying out loud!

Do you know how difficult it is trying to get your fucking work done when your not even fluent in your native language? I try so fucking hard yet my parents never believe me.

The fact I'm getting told to do chores because my dad doesn't believe me when I tell him I'm doing homework on the laptop.

I have a test on friday that's about 5 units and you're telling me to clean the kitchen tomorrow?

I'm trying not to use the computer so much unless it's for school work.

I absolutely HATE the fact no one ever fucking believes me. They always think I'm lying or some shit.

I honestly don't need both of my parents screaming at me at the top of their lungs or hitting me.

I am so god damn tired of everyone's bullshit towards me. I'm so tired of myself and of everyone who treats me like a pile of shit.

Today I got so stressed and angry that I started crying.

And who knows, maybe when I go to sleep I'll probably cry like a baby like I did on Monday.

The only real thing that really cheered me up was watching the SuG Night 2. Even though I only watched like 20 mins, it still made me laugh. It still made me smile. It made me feel better. Like they always do.


「Quiero desaparecer para siempre.」