Welcome the the Vintage Artists' Project!
More than a decade ago I started exploring vintage art available on the internet. It's a huge, seemingly endless source of great stuff where you can find a lot of interesting facts about artists who lived and created more than a hundred years ago. Their personal stories and especially their work inspired me to set up the first website dedicated to vintage art and display as much useful data as possible. In the next years, my pet project rose to several dozen free websites with hundreds of vintage illustrations and designs which led to more and more traffic. A few enthusiasts decided to join my efforts and I decided to connect everybody who might be interested to participate to join under the same umbrella. This website is an attempt to put everything in the same starting place from where every visitor could start his or her own journey.
This is the address for the first six websites, each one dedicated to one artist:
https://allmyfaves.com/geckoman70 ?tab=Vintage%20Artists%20Project%2C %20part%201
The list of artists in no particular order:
Otto Kubel (1868-1951)
Jessie Marion King (1875-1949)
Max Teschemacher (1910-1950)
Ellen Hattie Clapsaddle (1865-1934)
Robert Anning Bell (1863-1933)
Charles Robinson (1870-1937)
This is address for the next six artists:
The presented artists are:
Brinsley Le Fanu (1854-1929)
Oskar Herrfurth (1862-1934)
John Hassall (1868-1948)
Pauline Ebner (1872-1949)
Richard Andre (1834-1907)
Arthur Rackham (1867-1939)
To be continued!