



QTell us about your overseas experiences briefly?


I stayed in the United States from second-year student of elementary school to junior of high school.

During this priod of time, I made friends from all over the world.

Now, I have no problem speaking, writing and reading in English.

I took an airplane twice a year to go back to Japan on average, It is natural for me to become interested in working as a cabin crew.

I spent a year in China two years ago as a volunteer.

To develop the living standard for the children in Shanghai.

I worked as an assistant teacher for 40- 50 children. I took part in every activites together.

I stayed eight months in Paris to study French.

On my days off, I joined wine and cooking classes to know their culture better.

To make French friends was the best way to master French. I learnt a lot from my friends not only the language but also French culture.

There are two countries I have ever stayed.

One is Australia. When I was a high school student, I went there as an exchange student.

The other is Canada, that was last year when I was a sophomore at my university and I stayed there for a year.

I stayed with a family in both times and each stay I spent wonderful times with the family.





