
The following work on Biochemistry is offered to the public with a sincere desire to advance the cause of truth. The author has no desire to tear down anything good that may be found in any system of medicine. But this is an age of keen investigation of idol breaking and truth finding. He who is afraid to investigate for fear that some cherished belief will be swept away, is not a true scientist. Age cannot sanctify an error. It is with the kindest of feelings towards the science of Homoeopathy, and its many brave and noble defenders, that its underlying principle, similia similibus curantur has been questioned, and idem the same to the same, or the law of Supplying Deficiencies pushed to the front as the Natural Law of Cure. It is not claimed that all the matter in the book is original. It is absolutely necessary in preparing a text-book on Biochemistry, to use, in the main, the therapeutics and materia medica of Schuessler and the translator, Dr. M. Docetti Walker, of Dundee, 