im exhausted from work hard today.
my sis and her bf came to my work place! im glad:)

hmm, i just wanna have fun! life should be fun.
hihihi there.

i feel happy like crazy.i don't know why!

wanna fall in love with someone. yea, i'm a fuckin dreamer. haha

anyway, im busy.
my schejule has no vacancy!wow..thats good:)

my school gonna start the lesson soon. im looking forward it! cos new thing, new life is make me exited.

i fancy his hair, thats nice! and fancy his smile too. he's totally cute. haha, don't worry it's not
it's gonna be never change.

recently, i became a friend with interested person. yea, very interesting. haha

ughh im sleepy, so, good nite!
my mates are fuckin awesome! innit?

today I went to my highschool to see a concert of graduate. it reminds me good schooldays. i really miss them.
anyway, i'm glad everyone had had fun!

I went to modi for dinner with miyu n ai.
we had chinese was good! but i wanted to eat Gomagango too. that's next time!

and we took a pricula!

today was so nice.
my friends made my day!
i'll miss you guys soon.

I have to go to hospital for my skin. omgosh!