Sorry for not posting anything for a while :(
I am very busy,but the reason makes me happy a bit.
We are moving to a new flat with my fiancée and I am very happy about it.
And since we are moving,I don't have internet at home.
Currently I'm at Starbucks Coffee so I can use wi-fi ?D

So I'm doing fine but busy lol

I realized that a few people didn't let me become their amember,I wonder,maybe they are scared.
So I would like to apologize here :(


So I'm off now,I have drunk my White Chocolate Mocha ラブラブ

See you see you

I'm working now.
Correcting tests is not my favourite thing to do,but I have to do it sometimes :(
The only problem with being a teacher is that you have to work in the weekends,too.
When you should be with your family !!!

I'm happy that my fiancée is always with me.

My name is Valentine !!
I'm here to make friends,and I hope I can meet many nice people :)
I'm not Japanese,so I don't speak Japanese,but I'll try my best to unedrstand this site.

well well~