Enoxaparin sodium prevents intestinal microcircu | uytimvnc159のブログ



  During astringent sepsis or catchbasin shock, activation of the anarchic and coagulatory systems can aftereffect in microcirculatory dysfunction as able-bodied as microvascular thrombosis, culminating in assorted agency dysfunction and death. Enoxaparin can arrest agency Xa and abate endothelial damage. The primary purpose of this abstraction was to investigate the aftereffect of enoxaparin on abdominal microcirculation in endotoxemic rats.

  Thirty macho Wistar rats were disconnected into the afterward three groups: adulterated operated (OP); lipopolysaccharide (LPS); and LPS + Enoxaparin group. The rats accustomed a midline laparotomy to actualize a articulation of terminal ileum for microcirculation assay by full-field laser perfusion imager and sidestream aphotic acreage video microscope on mucosa, muscle, and Peyer's patch. In the LPS and LPS + Enoxaparin groups, 15 mg/kg LPS was administered intravenously to abet endotoxemia, and 400 IU/kg enoxaparin sodium was aswell administered in the LPS + Enoxaparin group.

  At 240 minutes, the beggarly arterial burden was college in the LPS + Enoxaparin accumulation than in the LPS accumulation (93 ± 9 against 64 ± 16 mm Hg, P < 0.001). Microcirculatory claret breeze acuteness was college in the LPS + Enoxaparin accumulation than in the LPS accumulation as follows: film (1085 ± 215 against 617 ± 214 perfusion assemblage [PU], P < 0.001); beef (760 ± 202 against 416 ± 223 PU, P = 0.001); and Peyer's application (1,116 ± 245 against 570 ± 280 PU, P < 0.001). Enoxaparin inhibited LPS-induced abridgement in perfused baby barge body and access in adverse of microcirculation.