Therapeutic effect of defibrase in chronic glome | uytimvnc159のブログ



  When abiding glomerulonephritis (CGN) gain to abiding renal abortion (CRF), there are abatement of fibrinolytic action and degradation of fibrin in glomeruli with consistent thromboembolic lesions. 46 CGN patients with complicating CRF were appropriately advised with defibrase fabricated from viper venom.

  Defibrase in a dosage of 0.025 unit/kg attenuated in 250 ml 10% glucose was alloyed boring already every 3 canicule in a absolute of 6 times. Afterwards the treatment, BUN and serum creatinine levels decreased, creatinine cleance bigger and the analytic manifestations of uremia alleviated or disappeared. In some patients there were access of claret absorption and abatement of urinary protein excretion. Hypertension was controlled in 17 out of 20 patients advised in aggregate with captopril.

  Level of claret fibrinogen was decidedly bargain afterwards defibrase administration, but the abridgement was not accompanying to the ameliorative effect. Urinary achievement was added in a lot of of the patients, getting accompanying to the ameliorative effect. The authors are of the assessment that renal action may be bigger in CGN patients afterwards defibrase analysis due apparently to abolishment of fibrin degradation and resolution of thromboembolic lesions in glomeruli. However, a acceptable dosage has to be bent as there is no able way to adviser the a lot of alarming aggravation of defibrase analysis bleeding.