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United States Patent and Tradeのブログ


Home And Small Business Printing In The Modern Age Ever since 1439, when Gutenberg combined movable type and a press, scholars and businesses have been enjoying the ability to create books. It wasn't until the latter part of the 20th century, however that the consumer began to be offered home printing options that came in at realistic prices. Daisy wheel printing technology was one of the first innovations that started to appear in homes in the 1970s, with laser printing becoming affordable shortly after that. By the 1980s, inkjet technology began to become stronger in the marketplace as Canon and other Japanese firms started to put out printers with a smaller physical footprint. The 1990s brought a new set of challenges for printer manufacturers. One challenge was creating printers that increased the resolution of the printed page to something approaching picture quality,Nike Free Run, while remaining cost efficient. Another difficulty that took years to get right was the full implementation of color in both laser printers and inkjet printers. By the late 1990s, Hewlett-Packard had gained a foothold in color inkjet sales to go along with its sterling reputation in manufacturing solid laser printers. The price point at the time was around $500 per printer. After the turn of the 21st century, Hewlett-Packard’s visionary inkjet division chief determined that it made better business sense to sell the printers at as low a cost as possible, while making the bulk of the margin on sales of ink cartridges. A price war ensued as the industry picked up the new model . Prices dropped under $200 for an inkjet printer within the space of a couple of years. By the end of the decade,Nike Free Run 5.0, prices for entry level printers were under $50. At the same time,Nike Free Run, printer manufacturers loaded up on options offered with each printer. Printers became networked and then wireless, while adding scanning, copying, and faxing capabilities. A new class of printers designed specifically to handle photos came out, making the shift to the digital camera that consumers were adopting a lot easier. For businesses and schools, the past decade saw a boom in printer purchasing to take advantage of the new capabilities, followed by a measured growth in outsourced online services that provided expanded capabilities without the cost of purchasing printers. Traditional photo development shops also upgraded their equipment to specialized digital printers that could print photo quality prints at reasonable prices instantly. Today, mass market print manufacturers continue to make inroads into specialty markets and there is a healthy mix of consumers and businesses owning printers to print in-house, and specialty online and bricks-and-mortar retailers that provide offsite printing at low prices.