Workshop Day 1-2-3 | 13's Reborn

13's Reborn


Hello (^-^)/

This week we joined a workshop. It's Summer School „Theodosian Walls and Urban Agriculture“.

Our working area is Theodosian Walls and the orchards near the Wall.

DAY 1:
We must to be in Kadir Has University for first presentation and the meeting dinner. ナイフとフォーク
We went to Kadıköy with school bus and then went to Eminönü with boat.
We were a bit late but it wasn't important.
German students weren't also there.
A professor from Germany did a presentation about the workshop and our working plan.
Then we went to university restaurant for dinner.
We had dinner with other students and the professors.
I sat with the classmates Derya, Nursena, Melike, Pelin, Vesile, Bahar and İsmail.
The dinner wasn't much good but it's ok.
Here is a photo from the restaurant and the scenery from the windows.

13's Reborn-restaurant

13's Reborn-cam

After the dinner I went to Karaköy with Derya, Nursena and İsmail to go Kadıköy with boat.

$13's Reborn-boat ad bridge

and we went to the campus from there.

DAY 2:
On the second day, actually we had to the presentation on morning but we couldn't go to Kadir Has University on time.
It was hard to go there on morning.
We took bus from the campus at 8am and went to Kartal coast, then took minibus to Kartal metro, We went to Kadıköy with metro but we spent lots of time on buses.
We went to Eminönü with boat and to the university with bus.

On that day our program was to go Theodisian Walls on noon.
We couldn't catch the whole group. They've already left the university.
An assistant was waiting for us.
We catch the group at Fındıkzade.

We walked to the Mevlana Gate of the Walls and then to Topkkapı Gate.
The area near Topkapı Gate was looking dangerous. 叫び
There were lots of angry homeless gypsies.

We're separated into working groups.
My good friends were in different groups.
My group is: me, Pelin (classmate), Aslı (classmate), Sefa (from Kadir Has University), Melike (from Germany) and Benjamin (from Germany).

Sefa took all the groups to a famous meatball restaurant in Merkezefendi.
On the luch table we were me, Nursena (classmate), Şule (from Kadir Has University), Edha (from Germany) and Alper (from Germany).
We met at the lunch. All of them are so kind people. ニコニコ

After that we walked along the Walls and orchard gardens.
We took some photos of the site. カメラ

The professors weren't with us. We met with them in gardener Ahmet's place.
Gerdener Ahmet told us about the gardens and walls.

Than we went trough the coast.
The professors told us to take more photos and do some analysis with group.

At first day we had a language barrier. ショック!
My classmates don't know any foreign language. Sefa is ok in English. I'm also ok but better than him in English. Benjamin's English is good. Melike is also speaking good English. She can speak Turkish too. Sometimes she was translating Benjamin's speech to us.

I had very hard time while speaking with Benjamin alone. My sentences were so silly ガーン

We returned to Kadıköy with boat.
Pelin said"Do you know Benjamin's school points. I heard that his grades are so high. Ah, I know someone who could get along with him~~"
Derya supported her.
They were talking about me.
I even didn't realized I was blushing.(〃∇〃)
I accept that he is cute (/ω\)

Nursena's boyfriend took us from Kadıköy to the campus.
The day was so tiring汗

Some photos from the day:

Mevlana Gate
13's Reborn-mevlana gate

We're going to gardener Ahmet's place
13's Reborn-expaloring1

rest of the students
13's Reborn-exploring2

bulbous plant garden
13's Reborn-garden

and end of the dayフラッグ
13's Reborn-coast

DAY 3(today):
We woke up at 6am today to go airport with a professor from our department of architecture.
We went to Kadıköy with airport bus.
We met with our department's professor on the boat.
We went to the university together.
Today was the working day in studio.
Each group made presentation about site analyzing.
We prepared some sketches and photographs.
We had to talk in English so the ones who talked most were me and Benjamin.
I was so exited while talking in front of many professors and other student.目

After each group made their presentation we went to a lecture about history of Istanbul and it's morphology. メモ

Students from Kadis Has University took the lunch organisation duty.
We went to a famous "pide" restaurant in Vefa.
There were very small but crowded place.

We joined 5 tables and sat around it.
I sat down, Nursena sat near me and Derya sat near to Nursena.
Benjamin was sitting in front of Derya.
She said that we could change the places. I said her to keep quite and I'm fine. but with a chance he had to changed his place to front of me にひひ

Derya, Nursena and Pelin were looking at me with teasing.

We ordered our pide and ayran.
Our ayran came first.
Benjamin asked me if there is a word to say before drinking.
I said "şerefe" and we toosed our glasses.ニコニコ

I talked with him during the lunch. I taught him how to say thank you in Turkish. It was very hard for him at firstにひひ

The lunch was so delicious. We drank tea after the lunch but we drank our tea on the street. コーヒー
It was unusual experiment for all of us.

Derya was a bit sick. Some of us went to pharmacy to get medicine, rest of us returned the university.

We continued working on the workshop in group.
We did diagrams and sketches of our ideas.
It took about 3 hours to make some ideas.
It was more tiring for us because I was doing also translation between my classmates and the others.
We were thinking and talking in English. My classmates were out of the work.
We finished our work and did a break.
We had so much while creating idea and also on break time.
Our group is the funniest group I think にひひ

At 6 o'clock, the professors came to listen our ideas.
We told our ideas the first.
Melike, I, Benjamin and Sefa were the ones who talked.
I was lest exited than the morning.
I used to speak English in front of the people.
Unfortunately there were big problems and wrong points on our idea and solutions. しょぼん

After the presentation I returned to Kadıköy with Derya, Nursena and Pelin.
But there is a problem. The boat that we got in was wrong one.
It was going to Üsküdar..
We had to take taxi to Kafıköy from Üsküar not to miss the school bus to the campus.

The next day, we'll go on a trip for entertaining. On afternoon we'll keep working on our ideas.
We might go Karaköy after the studio working
Benjaming said he would like to eat baklava.
I asked him to go Karaköy Güllüoğlu to eat baklava and he said ok.
I hope we can go ニコニコ

and the photos from today:

classmates Nursena, Pelin, Melike, Vesile and Bahar
13's Reborn-girls

classmates and good friends Nursena and Derya
13's Reborn-nursena derya

Derya tried to capture a photo of me with Benjamin にひひ
13's Reborn-I&beni

me and classmate İlayda
$13's Reborn-me&ilayda

Sefa and Benjamin while taking notes while the second group was making presentation
13's Reborn-sefa&beni

Melike, Benjamin and I while doing our presentation ニコニコ
13's Reborn-presentation

See you on next blog entry(^O^)/