WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY!!! | 13's Reborn

13's Reborn


It's been long time.

I was very busy as always because of the lessons and exams.
I don't have enough free time to write blog and even write on Girugamesh Turkey page (;_;)
And the internet is so slow! I can't surf on Tumblr (>_<)

I'm so tired now to but I should write about today (^-^)

One of my best friends from high school, Irmak, came Istanbul this year to study architecture in Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University.
We could meet today finally!

I was so happy to see her after about 1 month. (;w;)
We went to Taksim.
We walked at there and ate Pizza at Pizza Hut.
Then we went to İnci patisserie to eat profiterole. It was the most delicious profiterole I've eaten!
Irmak is my only high school friend who came to Istanbul for university.
We talked about current things, university and our hometown Antalya.
We miss Antalya!
We did some shopping and then went to Kabataş.
I visited her university.
There were a student exhibition of industrial design student from some universities I think.
It was very nice.
A cute guy gave leaflet of exhibition. He was probably an Erasmus student.
We sat at cafeteria.
There ere lots of cats!! (*w*)
A blonde cat jumped on me and let me to pet him (*w*)
I loved the atmosphere of the university.
It's different than ours. I would like to be in Mimar Sinan too.
but I think I'll visit there more x3
Irmak saw a classmate of her. I met with her. She seems like a nice girl ^^
Irmak and her friend are living in a dormitory in Beşitaş so we went there together.
While we're walking, Irmak whispered me a handsome guy was looking at me but I couldn't see him. Maybe the first time in my life a guy was looking at me xD
We spent some time at there and at 7:45pm I returned to Kadıköy and came to our camous at 9pm.

To see someone from Antalya, to see a best friend was awesome!!

I bought Naruto vol.7. I can read it tonight. ^^

And.. mom called me to say thay my Girugamesh hoodie finally arrived at home!! *-*
It was another amazing thing for today!
I can't wait to go home on midterm break and try on it!! x3

It was a quick blog entry so I couldn't write nice but I just wanted to write about today.