お誕生日おめでとうRYO!! | 13's Reborn

13's Reborn


It's September 21th in Japan but it's still 20th in Turkey, so I'm not that much late to write this entry べーっだ!

September 20th is the birthday of RYO!!


$13's Reborn-ryo b-day

The cute, crazy, beer-lover, talented drummer, youngest member of Girugamesh, happy 26th birthday!! ヾ(^▽^)ノ

Yesterday night, I didn't see any post about Ryo on Tumblr. It made me surprised ショック! He deserves Tumblr spam as other Girugamesh members!
So, I edited a simple photo forcelebrating his birthday and post it.
Then Nancy-chan and Kei-chan joined the spam.
After a while new people joined Ryo spam \(^o^)/
I had very fun ニコニコ
Anything about Girugamesh makes me happy (^∇^)