アンタリア水族館 | 13's Reborn

13's Reborn


The big Antalya Aquarium has opened on August 15th ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ

It's one of the biggest aquarium in the world now.うお座

We went there on opening day night.

Some aquariums and halls still are need been to develop but it's just opened, so it's normal. ニコニコ

We took many photos.

Here are some photos from there カメラ

Colorful colars 虹
I love it 目
13's Reborn-aquarium

Colars and fish Balık
So beautiful 合格
13's Reborn-aquarium

Murean うなぎ
They're scary 叫び
13's Reborn-aquarium

more fish うお座
13's Reborn-aquarium

sharks 鮫
There were a lot from them!
13's Reborn-aquarium

Clown fish クマノミ
Nemo にひひ
13's Reborn-aquarium

Rays エイ 
I love to watch their swimming. They're like flying にひひ
13's Reborn-aquarium

Seahorse タツノオトシゴ
They're so cute合格
13's Reborn-aquarium

World's the longest tube!
13's Reborn-aquarium

Fish are swimming over the tube ニコニコ
13's Reborn-aquarium

There are a Snow World in the aquarium.雪
We went into there after finished aquarium tour.
There was -20°C 雪の結晶

A part of snow room. I think there will be more snow day after dayニコニコ
13's Reborn-aquarium

Wall pictures are really good. Isn't this pretty?
There are a lamp and some snow but looks pretty.(^-^)
13's Reborn-aquarium

There are 3 igloos. They were fake but suits the concept ニコニコ
13's Reborn-aquarium

and the last photo (*^_^*)
Me, brother and mom.
There were a huge mirror in the room.
13's Reborn-aquarium

owari ニコニコ