Your Song | Ulysses Bass Lamo

Ulysses Bass Lamo

Exciting Rock Band ユリシウスのベーシストLamoの雑記帳

It's a little bit funny this feeling inside

I'm not one of those who can easily hide

I don't have much money but boy if I did
僕はお金持ちじゃないけれど もしもそうだったなら…

I'd buy a big house where we both could live

If I was a sculptor, but then again, no

Or a man who makes potions in a travelling show
それとも 旅する薬売りだったら 何かあげられたかな…

I know it's not much but it's the best I can do
あんまりピンとこないかもしれないけど これが僕の精一杯

My gift is my song and this one's for you
僕の贈り物はこの歌 君へのこの歌だけさ

And you can tell everybody this is your song

It may be quite simple but now that it's done
ちょっと単純すぎる歌かもしれないけどさ もう出来ちゃったんだ

I hope you don't mind

I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
気に入ってくれたらいいな この言葉も含めて…

How wonderful life is while you're in the world

I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss
僕は屋根に座り 苔を蹴っ飛ばしてた 

Well a few of the verses well they've got me quite cross

But the sun's been quite kind while I wrote this song
この歌を書いている間 陽射しはずっと穏やかだった

It's for people like you that keep it turned on

So excuse me forgetting but these things I do
あ ごめん 何を言いたいか忘れたよ 僕が伝えたいのは……

You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue
ほら また忘れちゃった あれが緑色だったのか青色だったのか思い出せないんだ

Anyway the thing is what I really mean
それはいいや 大事なのは僕の本当の気持ちだから

Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen
君の瞳ほどに優しい眼差しは 僕は知らなかった

And you can tell everybody this is your song

It may be quite simple but now that it's done
ちょっと簡単すぎる歌かもしれないけどさ もう出来ちゃったんだ

I hope you don't mind

I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
気に入ってくれたらいいな この言葉も含めて…

How wonderful life is while you're in the world
君がこの世にいるだけで なんて素晴らしい人生なんだろう

I hope you don't mind

I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
気に入ってくれたらいいな この言葉も含めて……

How wonderful life is while you're in the world

※ この記事はPCで開くと自動再生で音楽が流れます。
Windowsでの動作確認はしておりませんので、不具合があるかもしれませんがご了承ください m(_ _ )m

ごく個人的な Your Song でした・・・(〃∇〃)

アナタにとっての Your Song は?



$Ulysses Bass Lamo←ユリシウス試聴音源はこちらから!



Baby's Breath

A life anyway once

Ulysses Bass Lamo←ユリシウスのようつべ! 

$Ulysses Bass Lamo←Lamoのつぶやき
