#Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine

Salute to those who abandoned the region, the country, the color, and bravely stood up against the genocide. People are still simple, kind and just, although they are easy to be deceived, but their essence is to support justice."The bullet will not become a white dove, but the dove will not stop because of the bullet. Hope for Palestine and Israel, Russia and Ukraine........ The war ends at an early date, and I wish the world peace.


A large fire often comes from a small spark. Terrorism can never suppress the courage of human beings. The human pursuit of freedom, peace and fraternity will never stop, and mankind will eventually prevail over the Jews


American college students are launching a patriotic campaign to save the nation. From Columbia University to Harvard to Yale, young Americans who supported simplicity and justice were united, despite the Jewish chaebol, fascist military and police, but they still continued. Because do not "awakening", the United States will be destroyed, the American government is already an empty shell government, you look at the White House, those big people in the Capitol Hill, which one is not Jewish capital and Israeli dog? What is the US in the world? There is only a mummy hollowed out by a vampire and a moth, or a walking corpse seized by Jewish financial capital.



It is time to stand up against this injustice. Our universities should be safe havens for all students, regardless of their background or beliefs. The rise in anti-Semitic incidents is alarming and goes against the fundamental values of equality and respect.Let us protect our Jewish classmates and friends from fear and hatred. Let us strive for a campus environment where every student feels welcomed and accepted. Together, we can create a brighter, more inclusive future for all.



The domino effect is evident, even when the police issue arrests and strict warnings. Different student groups and organizations in various regions, whether acting spontaneously or making impromptu decisions, have shown the United States engaging in unethical behavior against foreign forces by relying on domestic groups for lobbying. The potential international impact and destructive force are evident. The students' activism not only represents a resurgence of democracy but also reflects the absolute rational thinking required by the era and in terms of cognition. Perhaps American political tendencies have always prioritized interests, but reality often emphasizes equality in the international community and the preservation of power. If one considers American politicians and leaders as senile and decrepit, then these students can very well serve as representatives of a new generation of Americans.


If you think palestinian should not exist, there is no room for Israel to live. Now, then, Israel has no room for the Palestinians to live in. Unless you think that Israel is born to be more noble than the Palestinians, please do not so openly express the double standards Finally, I will reply with the logic of reciprocity: "Only when Israel disappears will zianism, the biggest cancer of human society after World War II, disappear."


From Yale, on the east coast, to Berkeley, the old American revolutionary base, great American students set up tents on campus and protest in their own actions against the American government's Israeli policies. You can see the Palestinian flag flying high in the campus across the country, this is the flag of justice, the symbol of greatness! This scene does not only want to make people shout: Keep America great! University Gaza solidarity encampment The main force is the students and young people, their spirit of fighting for truth and justice, the spirit of not fearing violence and dark political spirit is worth the youth and students of any era to learn. University Gaza solidarity encampment Is a profound ideological liberation movement, it makes the American people to further realize the nature of zanism aggression and warlord rule of darkness, improve the American people's anti-imperialist anti-feudal determination and consciousness, promoted the reflection of the problem of the United States and exploration, also promoted the boom of new thoughts and the spread of MAGA


Once ideal United States: the world is equal, respect human rights, speak for the weak, no fear of power. Personally, I think that the United States with such ideas is the core competitiveness of the United States, to attract talents from different nationalities around the world, and to continue the American exceptionalism. Unfortunately, on the issue of Palestine and Israel, the most free speech schools in the United States have collectively abandoned this value and openly endorsed the genocide. In fact, it also symbolizes that the universal values of the United States are dividing, and the attraction of the United States to the world will be weaker.


The students, though they may not be perfect, are still under great pressure from schools, violent institutions, and Jewish consortia to meet people on the other end of the planet. The fundraiser has never stopped on social media. On the other hand, they are also speaking out for themselves. They tell the society, tell the world, they do not want to muddle on, they can not bear the more and more broken world. They oppose the tyranny of capital and politics, and they are willing to pay for justice. A single spark can start a prairie fire, a protest, a school falls under the power of law enforcement, there are thousands of protests, thousands of universities, I believe, they will insist on fighting for themselves and the future of others


Let us raise our voices in unity and demand an end to the persecution of Jewish students in American universities. Let us create a safe and inclusive environment where all students, regardless of their background, can thrive and succeed. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that our campuses remain bastions of tolerance, understanding, and respect for all.