In May 2020, Lee Yong-soo, the most famous former Korean comfort woman who made a fake testimony at the U.S. Congress, succeeded in bashing Japan, finally fell out with a long-time comrade Yoon Mee-hyang (Yun Mi-Hyang), a former leader of the comfort women support group, "Korean Council".
Then, Lee Yong-soo exposed the inside affairs of the Korean Council and Yoon Mee-hyang.
The cause is an ugly fight over the distribution of donations over the years.
Comfort women lie for pity, vanity, and money, and support groups lie for political purposes and money.
According to South Korea's best-selling "Anti-Japan Tribalism", South Korea's perjury rate is 172 times that of Japan, and they have no resistance to lying for the sake of their profits.
As a result, Westerners who don't know that blindly believe what they say.

[Anti-Japan Tribalism]


●May 7, 2020= The Korean media collectively reported that Lee Yong-soo, a former comfort woman who has been the most active to accuse Japan in Korea and abroad, held a press conference to criticize the comfort women support group the "Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan" (former Chong Dae Hyup).
Lee exposed that donations obtained by the organization were not distributed to comfort women, that organization officials embezzled the money, and that false testimonies were posted in the book which the Korean Council published.
Lee also announced that she would no longer participate in the protest rally in front of the Japanese embassy in Seoul, which has been held every Wednesday for more than 1,400 times since 1992.

Lee said that she had only been used by the Korean Council for nearly 30 years, and added, "We have to get rid of the Wednesday rally. It does nothing but instills hatred against Japan in the students who participate in it. Also, I don't even know where the donations from the students go. The organization has spent it up",  "(The Korean Council officials said that) they were going to build a museum, so I became a representative, but they never treated me like that".
Lee also pointed out the fraud that "The Korean Council has taken the donation for my birthday and gave it to East Timor. That money should have been distributed to the former comfort women", "The Korean Council published a book about us, but they sold it with mistaken contents".

As for Yoon Mee-hyang, who resigned as the Korean Council's leader when being elected to the National Assembly in April's general election, Lee insisted that "The comfort women issue must be resolved by Yoon", added that Yoon's telling the media that she had Lee's support was all fabrication by Yoon, and criticizing that "the victims did not know about the details of the agreement reached between the Japanese and South Korean governments in 2015 on the comfort women issue, but only Yoon knew in advance that the Japanese government would pay 1 billion yen".

Yoon has sent her daughter to study music at UCLA, and the source of the expenses, which amounted to about $70,000 a year, had come under suspicion.
In response to the report, the Korean Council explained that "All of the donations are used for the old ladies and we are in frequent contact with grandma Lee and are continuously sending her daily necessities", and added that the Korean Council would negotiate with Lee to clear up the misunderstanding.


[Lee Yong-soo's testimonies that have changed every time]


●May 8, 2020= (1)The Korean Council pointed out to the Korean media that "A man named Choi Yong San, the head of the Asia-Pacific War Research Institute, has been manipulating Lee Yong-soon to make money and drive her to fall out with the Korean Council".
The Korean media reported that Choi has shown strong ambitions to be a Diet member, and demanded reparations from Japan on wartime labor issues for the purpose.

In last month's general election, both the ruling and opposition parties launched satellite parties to win seats in proportional representation, Choi was expected to be chosen as one of the candidates of the Citizen Party, a satellite party of the ruling Democratic Party, but he was not chosen because he had been photographed with former President Park Geun-hye in the past.
On the other hand, Yoon Mee-hyang, a former leader of the Korean Council was elected a member of the National Assembly from the Citizen Party.
Therefore, it is pointed out that Choi holds a strong grudge about it.
Choi actually established the "Peace Human Rights Party" during the election campaign, started to accuse the Korean Council and Yoon as well as the Citizen Party.
Regarding the alleged irregularities involving the ruling Democratic Party's satellite political party, the Citizen Party, the conservative opposition "United Future Party" criticized "What has the council for justice been doing behind the name of justice?", and pursued that "The use of the donations should be disclosed".
(2) On the same day, more than 50 organizations demanding compensation for wartime labor from Japan, in which Choi is suspected of involvement, issued a statement seeking Yoon's declining of the position as a Diet member,  it has shown a signal that the situation would develop into a full-fledged struggle among anti-Japanese groups.

They pointed out the following four allegations regarding Yoon;
# Yoon controlled a small number of comfort women and used them for anti-Japanese activities.
# Although Yoon is a thorough anti-Japanese and anti-U.S activist, she sent her daughter to study in the United States.
#Yoon's husband and his sister were once arrested and convicted as North Korean spies.
#The Internet media run by Yoon's husband has published many advertisements and articles praising the Korean Council.

(3)South Korean CBS's "No-cut News" interviewed an insider at the "Sharing House"(photo below), a communal living facility for six former comfort women, and reported that "The support money delivered to the Sharing House has never been used for the grandmothers", "I recently learned that even the staff's meals were not covered by the support money, but by subsidies provided by the state and local government", and "Some staff members do not eat because they feel sorry for the grandmothers".
(4) In response to accusations from Lee Yong-soon, a former leader of the Korean Council, Yoon Mee-hyang posted a comment that denies the fact that Lee Yong-soon was a former comfort woman on her own Facebook that "I vividly remember the day in 1992 when I received a phone call from Lee Yong-soo, and in a small, trembling voice, she confessed the comfort women victimization, not as a story of herself, but as her friend's".
As a result, Yoon's post drew questions and criticism not only from the Japanese but also from Koreans, wondering if they are both scammers.

●May 9, 2020= The Korean Council released receipts of about 103.5 million won ever paid to Lee.

In addition, the Korean media on this day reported that it was found out that out of a total of 4.9 billion won in donations over the last four years, only 0.9 billion won was distributed to the former comfort women, and nearly twice that amount, 1.7 billion won, was processed as expenses for the Korean Council.

● May 10, 2020= South Korea's Chosun Ilbo reported that by this date, allegations had been raised that former Korean Council leader Yoon Mee-hyang's property and tax returns are not correct.
According to the article, Yoon Mee-hyang (photo below) only paid about 1 million won in taxes even though she sent her daughter to study at UCLA, and how she raised the money for her daughter's study abroad has become a subject of suspicion.
Before the April election, Yoon had declared to the Election Commission that she and her husband had paid 6.43 million won in taxes as income for five years.
An accountant said, "Even assuming that the entire amount is income tax, the couple's annual income is only 25 million won at the most, so it is questionable how they were able to raise the cost of their daughter's study abroad.
Yoon declared the couple's total assets to be 835.91 million won.
It is estimated that it will cost about 80 million won to send her daughter to UCLA, including living expenses, but Yoon told the media, "I spent one year looking for a university that would give a full scholarship".

● May 11, 2020= (1) South Korea's JoongAng Ilbo reported the contents of an anonymous former comfort women's letter obtained through the leader of the Peace Human Rights Party, Choi Yong Sang.
According to it, she was strongly ordered by Yoon Mee-hyang to never accept the contributions paid by the Japanese government based on the 2015 Japan-ROK agreement for comfort women issue, but she wanted to accept the money because she was frustrated.
The letter was addressed to the National Assembly Speaker Moon Hee-sang, but was not actually delivered.
The JoongAng Ilbo tried to question Yoon on several occasions for facts but did not receive a reply.
(2) In addition, the JoongAng Ilbo covered a press conference regarding the donations held by the new leader of the Korean Council, Lee Na-young(photo below), who is also a professor of sociology at Chung-Ang University.
Lee said that "Giving donations is not the only project to support victims", and explained that "Of the 2.219 billion won gained between 2017 and 2019, 911 million won has been spent on comfort women support projects".
The Korean Council stressed that "We never instructed them to refuse to accept a contribution from Japan" and that " All those who have hurt the victims and activists by breaking the relationship should reflect on that".
Outside the press conference venue, there were demonstrations by the "Anti-Japanese Statue Joint Truth Investigation Committee" and the "Comfort Women's Human Rights Restoration Practice Solidarity" criticizing the Korean Council.
(3) The Chosun Ilbo reported that all this year's beneficiaries of the "Kim Bok-dong Scholarship," established by the Korea Council in the memory of Kim Bok-dong, a former comfort woman who died last year, turned out to be the children of civic group activists.
The scholarship began in 2016, when Kim donated 50 million won to the students of the Chosen school which is North Korea's official school in Japan.
As a result of its expansion and reorganization, which was financed by the condolence money for Kim, etc., the Korean Council was in effect responsible for its management, and in addition to scholarships to the Chosen school, a new scholarship system was established for the children of activists from civic organizations and labor unions.
Among the beneficiaries, there is a child of the director of the Korean Council.
Also among last year's winners, there were two members of the "Korean University Students Progress Union," a pro-North Korean organization that illegally broke into the official residence of the U.S. ambassador to South Korea, Harry Harris.

●May 12, 2020= (1) Japanese media " Yukan Fuji" reported on the financial struggle between the Korean Council and the former comfort women.
According to the article, "Many of the former comfort women had long complained to the Korean Council about being used for anti-Japanese activities and money-making", "In 2004, former comfort women Sim Mi-ja filed a lawsuit against the Korean Council over the cancellation of the Wednesday rally in front of the Japanese embassy and the unknown use of the donations",  "In 1992, a Japanese university employee donated 10 million yen to the Korean embassy in Japan for the comfort women, but it was the Korean Council that received the donation. When the comfort women found out about it, they started making a fuss about embezzlement, and some of the money was distributed to them. The Korean Council released receipts for the donations paid to Lee Yong-soo, which included the money",  "A former Korean Council official revealed, 'Because the Japanese government wanted to start an investigation into the comfort women and others, the Korean Council made them promise not to respond to the investigation when it distributed the money. In short, it silenced the old women to make money forever".
(2) The Korean Council had replied at a press conference the day before that it was not possible to disclose all the money spent on its activities.
But on this day, JoongAng Ilbo reported that in the Korean Council's financial statements published by the National Tax Agency on its website, it was stated that it had paid a large amount of money for food and drink in 2018, amounting to 33 million won in one night.
As a result of an interview with the restaurant "Oktoberfest", the total sales on this day were only 9.72 million won, suggesting the possibility that it was processed under false pretenses.
In response, the Korean Council excused itself by saying, "The 3.3 million won includes the charges for other places outside of Oktoberfest that day".
In response, the National Tax Agency has announced that it has found other accounting problems and that it will order the Korean Council to revise its books. If the Korean Council does not comply, additional taxes will be imposed.
(3) In addition, JoongAng Ilbo reported Yoon Mee-hyang's explanation that in 2017, her husband received 190 million won in civil and criminal damages when he was partially acquitted of spying for North Korea and violating the State Security Law, and Yoon herself and daughter also received some compensation and that all the money was spent on daughter's study abroad expenses at UCLA.
However, the opposition United Future Party pointed out that Yoon's daughter had studied in Chicago before UCLA, and that Yoon has not disclosed the document of the funds.
The party's lawyer said, "If Yoon distorted the will of the old ladies and caused conflict between Korea and Japan by manipulating them, it is a serious problem", "Pro-Japanese traitors who betrayed our country and increased their wealth are problems, but anti-Japanese traitors who use Japan as an excuse to make profits are problems too".
In response, a spokesperson for the Civic Party, to which Yoon belongs, countered, "Although there are discrepancies in the statements of several people involved, it is serious blasphemy to insult or deny Ms. Yoon's activities as a whole".

● May 13, 2020= On this day, the first Wednesday protest rally (1439th) in front of the Japanese Embassy since Lee Yong-soo held a press conference to criticize the Korean Council was held.
Yoon Mee-hyang did not show up, but Lee Na-young, the president of the Korean Council, said at the beginning, "We declare to pro-Japanese forces that we keep acting without fear!" stressing that "Although there are errors in tax returns to the National Tax Agency, there is absolutely no embezzlement or mismanagement of donations", and a  lawmaker from the ruling Democratic Party, who also participated, called for solidarity with the Korean Council.
Across the street from the comfort women statue, more than 40 people, including "Freedom Solidarity" and "Mothers' Unit," who criticize the Korean Council, gathered and used loudspeakers to shout, "The Korean Council should release the accounting breakdown" and "Arrest Yoon Mee-hyang!", then,  they caused trouble with supporters of the Korean Council.
Also, an hour before the rally, Lee Ju-song (80), the head of the "Federation of Leaders for Japanese Imperial Victims' Organizations",
 accompanied by Peace and Human Rights Party leader Choi Yong San, held a press conference to denounce Yoon Mee-hyang, saying that "We, the victims of the Japanese Empire, will continue our resignation activities until Yoon Mee-hyang resigns as a member of the National Assembly" and "We are demanding reparations and apologies from Japan, but the Korean Council is opposed to everything about Japan".

● May 14, 2020=(1) JoongAng Ilbo reported that South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs had responded at a meeting of the National Assembly on May 12 that documents such as records of interviews with Yoon Mee-hyang, who was involved in the 2015 comfort women's agreement as a head of the Korean Council, could not be made public.
According to the article, the submission of the relevant documents had been requested by the National Assembly's Committee on Foreign Relations and Unification, but the government responded only verbally,
"The fact that the agreement would be announced and the Japanese government's apology and the gist of the larger framework have been communicated to Yoon, but the 'final and irreversible settlement' and 'mutual restraint of criticism in the international community' and so on do not seem to have been communicated to her".
One diplomatic source said, "The government said so to the effect not knowing whether the government communicated to Yoon in advance about the 1 billion yen contributed by the Japanese government".
Also, unlike the government response, several government officials involved in that agreement at the time responded in a similar manner to Lee Yong-soo.
(2) JoongAng Ilbo reported that on the 13th, the police have raided Sharing House, a joint facility of former comfort women for alleged embezzlement of support money as a result of receiving an indictment and have arrested one staff to interrogate.
In addition, Gyeonggi Province, which had received the petition from the citizens, will start a special inspection for the Sharing House for three days from this day to verify if there are any suspicious points in the expansion of the facility.
(3) Korean media reported that by this date, several civic groups, including the "Judicial Preparatory Council", had already filed charges against Yoon Mee-hyang with prosecutors on charges including business embezzlement, fraud, and business breach of trust.
Also, the "Anti-Japanese Statue Truth Investigation Committee" and the "Comfort Women's Human Rights Restoration Practice Solidarity" announced that they will file a complaint with the prosecutors against Yoon Mee-hyang and executives of the Korean Council for child abuse and violation of the Youth Protection Act for mobilizing a large number of elementary and junior high school students for Wednesday's protest rally.

● May 15, 2020= (1) JoongAng Ilbo reported that it has been confirmed that the Korean Council did not enter the state subsidies granted by the South Korean government from 2017 in its accounting books.
The Korean Council under-reported the state subsidies or did not mention it at all.
For example, the South Korean government gave the Korean Council a subsidy of 85 million won for academic events, public relations, and international activities in 2017 and 300 million won in 2018, but it was not mentioned at all.
(2) Chosun Online reported that when Yoon Mee-hyang received donations for the former comfort women, she had them deposited into her personal accounts instead of the account in the name of the Korean Council.
Three of Yoon's accounts for receiving donations had been identified, and she had asked for transfers to her account with an excuse that "I don't want old ladies to be bothered" when comfort women visited overseas for activity, or when a former comfort woman Kim Bok-dong died, Yoon said that " I don't have enough for funeral expenses.
(3) The Korean portal site NAVER reported that the daughter of a former comfort woman who died in March last year (she became the adopted daughter of a former comfort woman to support her livelihood) asked the Korean Council for help with the funeral expenses, but it gave her only 200,000 won and Yoon Mee-hyang gave her only 50,000 won in incense, so she paid the entire funeral cost of about 18 million won. According to the Korea Council's website, in the case of last year, it paid 1.5 million won per case for the funerals of comfort women.

(4) On this day, in front of the comfort women statue in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul, the head of the Korean conservative net media "Media Watch", Pyon Hee-jae, who has previously pursued former comfort women Lee Yong-soo's false testimonies and the irregularities of the Korean Council, held a meeting to criticize the "comfort women victim business".
Pyon said, "Lee Yong-soo and Yoon Mee-hyang formed a partnership for the past 30 years and made great contributions to the internationalization of the comfort women issue", "Having collected and examined Lee Yong-soo's testimonies from the past 30 years, I can surely say that she has lived a life that does not fit the image of the poor former comfort woman at all", "In her first testimony in 1993, she said that she followed a Japanese man because she was attracted to a red dress and leather shoes. However, in 2018, she said she was threatened with a sword by the Japanese army and forcibly taken away".
He also criticized Yoon Mee-hyang who was most aware of Lee's identity like that.
Lee Yong-soo has testified at least 20 times so far and changed her previous testimony each time.
Pyon stressed, "This issue does not end with Lee Yong-soo's personal fraud case. She recently met with President Trump as a mentor to President Moon Jae-in and even had the honor of giving Trump a hug", "Revealing Yoon Mee-hyang's crimes, Lee Yong-soo's identity as a habitual liar, and the frauds of the comfort women issue based on the story that the Japanese army abducted Korean girls by our hands is to defend the national identity of the Republic of Korea".
In addition, the head of the "Anti-Japanese Statue Truth Investigation Committee(Anti-Communist Commission)" and one of the authors of Anti-Japan Tribalism also participated in the meeting and gave speeches against "Fake Comfort Woman Lee Yong-soo" and "Fake Comfort Woman Statue".

● May 16, 2020= In unison, the Korean media on this day reported the allegations over the "House where Peace and Healing Meet(Heeling House)" in Anseong, which the Korean Council purchased for former comfort women in 2013 with the 1 billion won donations from the Hyundai Heavy Industries through the social welfare fundraiser.
The house had been sold for less than half the cost of purchase and renovation, even though it had been purchased for three times more than the market price in the surrounding area.
As a result, a loss of 430 million won was derived, and the social welfare fundraiser had to take responsibility instead of the Korean Council. 
As for the purchase of that house, there was an intermediary from Lee Gyu-min, who was elected from the Democratic Party in the April general election.
Neighborhood residents said that over the course of seven years, the former comfort women visited only once or twice a year, with no sign of living there, and it was used for parties for the Korean Council officials.
It was also found that the house was rented out as for-profit corporate training and accommodation and that Yoon Mee-hyang's father received a total of 7.6 million won in management fees and had lived alone in the house.

● May 18, 2020= (1) It was reported that in 2014, Yoon Mee-hyang had had donations for a project to help Vietnamese victims of the Korean soldiers' mass massacre and rape of civilians in the Vietnam War, transferred to her account.
As a pro-North Korean group, the Korean Council has an aspect of pursuing the South Korean government by supporting the victims of the South Korean military.
(2) South Korean former Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon who is regarded as a leading candidate of the Democratic Party for the next president-elect, said, "We are taking the situation very seriously. We have deep discussions within the party".
The Citizens Party where Yoon Mee-hyang belongs to has declared a merger with the Democratic Party.

(3) South Korea's NAVER published an article questioning about Yoon Mee-hyang's 200 million-won condo.
In the morning of the day, Yoon said in an interview on a radio program that she bought the condo with the money she sold an old one, but in the afternoon in an interview on CBS's "No-cut News", she made a different statement that she prepared the auction proceeds with her savings and money she borrowed from her family.
Prior to this, a lawmaker from the opposition United Future Party had called for Yoon to reveal the source of the money for the purchase of her condo.

● May 19, 2020= (1) JoongAng Ilbo reported that even before the Korean Council received the Healing House from Hyundai Heavy Industries, it was found that one church had already donated the free use rights of another house for the same purpose.
According to the article, the Korean Council obtained the Healing House with a 1 billion won donation from Hyundai Heavy Industries five months later of a donation from the church.

(2) Six staff of the Sharing House, including Japanese, accused the director, senior officials, and the Buddhist corporation running the house in front of the media saying, "The house has received huge support money, but in fact, unlike public relations, it has not been used for the former comfort women".
They said, "The grandmothers have not been provided with any special services, such as welfare. Only lodging", and pointed out that "The medical expenses and necessities of life have been covered with their own money".
Then, they protested that "The donations belong to the corporation of the Buddhist temple that runs the house".
In response, the monk who is the director of the governing body of the Sharing House, explained that the number of staff was small and that the separation of the corporate account from the account for Sharing House had not been done properly, and said he would correct the mistake and discipline the director and others.

(3) On this day, it was confirmed that Yoon Mee-hyang visited Lee Yong-soo in Daegu where she lives, and apologized in person.
According to a source who spoke with Lee on the phone, the two met one-on-one for about 10 minutes, and Yoon got down on knees and apologized to Lee and asked for forgiveness.
In response, Lee said to Yoon, "I will hold my last press conference in Daegu City soon, so come join".
According to the source, Lee is planning to hold a press conference around the 25th to clarify her position.


● May 20, 2020=(1) The Korean media reported that on the 20th, the Seoul Western District Public Prosecutor's Office announced that it had entered into a house search of the Seoul city office of the Korean Council.

The prosecutor's office has dispatched investigators to secure documents related to the Korean Council's accounting and business.
If the charges are confirmed as true, it is believed that embezzlement charges involving the use of donations and patronage and accounting irregularities and business breach charges involving the purchase of a building in Anseong City could be applied. 
An official of the prosecutor's office said, "We can't disclose the details of the charges".

In the morning of this day, the top spokesperson of the Democratic Party explained that as a result of exchanging opinions on Yoon Mee-hyang's related allegations at the party's top committee meeting, "We are aware that the Korean Council will clarify its position by accepting an accounting audit through an external organization for transparent verification in relation to the accounting fraud allegations"
"The Democratic Party plans to make a comprehensive decision after seeing the audit results and clarify our position afterwards".
So far, the Democratic Party has tried to reject the criticism by claiming that "attacks on the Korean Council are pro-Japanese activities," but the United Future Party, a conservative opposition party, has claimed, "Why does the pursuit of injustice lead to pro-Japanese activities?", the Democratic Party can only manage defense.

(2) Yonhap News reported the suspicion on the project of the "Kim Bok-dong Center" in Uganda planned by the Korean Council.

The Korean Council raised 200 million won through fundraising activities and planned to build the Kim Bok-dong Center to commemorate her "human rights activities" by displaying records of Korean comfort women and victims of sexual violence during the Ugandan civil war.
However, the Korean Council explained that "the Ugandan government took issue with the inclusion of the word 'Japan' and the name 'Kim Bok-dong' in a meeting last November, and a situation arose that threatened the personal life of the local organization's representative", the plan was canceled. 
And in January of this year, the Korean Council had announced to donate the site to the local management organization "Golden Women Vision in Uganda".
On the other hand, Korean media reported that on the 20th of this month, a representative of GWVU said in an email interview, "We were opposed to the establishment of the Kim Bok-dong Center from the beginning as it would be a conflict with Japan. We received no funding from the Korean Council, so we purchased the property ourselves".
In addition, the Korean Council decided to establish a center in Washington after the Ugandan plan was canceled and re-promoted the project with the aim of opening the center on November 25 this year, the UN's International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, but the establishment of the center in Washington requires a donation of 2 billion won, but so far only 43.8 million won has been raised and the plan has not progressed due to the coronavirus.

(3) South Korean police have arrested a man in his 20s for damaging a comfort woman statue
The statue is different from the one in front of the Japanese Embassy. On the same morning, the man hit the face and other parts of the statue with a stone and did violence to a person who tried to stop him.
In South Korea, suspicions surrounding the Korean Council have been reported heavily every day, and the police are investigating the suspect's motives.  

(4) NAVER reported that 12 former comfort women plaintiffs, including Sim Mija (who died in 2008), who filed a lawsuit in 2004 against the policy of the Korean Council for a preliminary injunction to ban collecting donations and mobilization to demonstrations, had testified at the trial that "The Korean Council and Sharing House have imported six unidentifiable old women claiming to be former comfort women from China to participate in the Wednesday protest rally to beg for donations".
The plaintiffs had also pointed out that the Korean Council officials at the time had exposed their past without permission in order to collect donations by publishing leaflets and videos, and pocketed all the money.

There were also testimonies that when the Asian Women's Fund, established by Japan in 1998, offered to pay the healing money, most former comfort women could not receive the money because they were threatened by the Korean Council and Sharing House to refuse it.
As for the former comfort women who received the money from Japan like Sim were slandered and deeply hurt by them.

To be continued

[Further infomation]




[Chronology of Korean comfort women propaganda]

[Old articles that prove how Japan treated Korean women]