How does an impotent man behave when suffering from Erectile Dysfunction? There are a number of ways in which a man would behave if he is impotent. We will look at each of them, but first…



How Can You Tell If A Man Is Suffering From Erectile Dysfunction?


These are the telltale signs that would reveal that a man is impotent:

  • He finds it hard to get an erection, almost all the times.
  • He suffers from premature ejaculation.
  • Even if by some rare stroke of luck, he gets an erection, he is unable to keep it up long enough, for him to be able to have satisfactory s e x.
  • His s e x drive is low.
  • He has various problems associated with ejaculation.

Which brings us back to our initial question, which is…


How Does An Impotent Man Behave When Suffering From Erectile Dysfunction?


If a man is impotent, here are some things that will happen to his behavior:




He will get angry almost all the time. His anger will be at home, at the office and even on the road and anywhere and everywhere else. His anger will be because of the frustration of him not being able to have s e x.




Such a man would have tremendous feelings of guilt. More so if he really cares for his partner and he is unable to satisfy his partner s*xually, because of his ED problem.


Avoidance of S e x:


When the time comes to have s e x, a man who is suffering from erectile dysfunction, will do everything that he possibly can, to avoid having s e x.


 He will not be want to be put in a position, where his partner does not know of his ED problem and he has to explain the situation. The situation being that he is suffering from ED and he cannot have s e x because of it.


Staying Late At Work:


When a man is impotent, he will avoid coming home early from work, so that he can get home late when his partner is tired and already wants to sleep.


Also, when he comes home late from work and his partner is awake and wants to have s e x, he would be able to tell his partner that he has had a long day at work and he is tired and so he would not be able to have s e x. Either way, his partner will not force him to have s e x.




Because of the man suffering from erectile dysfunction, he could go through very severe depression. As such, if this depression does not go, combined with the fact that he is unable to have s e x, you can easily understand that the depression is due to him suffering from ED.




Almost all the time, he will appear stressed out. Even if he is doing nothing and just lying down or watching TV, you would be able to see the stress in him. He would appear to be distant, his mind in some other place, even though he may appear to be watching TV or seem to be talking to you.




He would get irritated at everything and everyone. This irritation would surface at all times and anywhere. Even the slightest noise, can make him irritated and this would all be because of his desire to have s e x - and his not being able to have this, because he is impotent.


Staying Awake Late:


A man who is suffering from erectile dysfunction will find some reason or the other to remain awake till until it is very late in the night. This is because he is unable to have s e x and he wants to wait for his partner to get to bed and go to sleep, so that he does not have to have s e x.


As such, he would make all kinds of excuses to stay awake till it is very late, just to avoid his partner asking him to have s e x.


What to Do If You Know Your Man Is Suffering From Erectile Dysfunction


If you have found out that your man is impotent, you must not remain silent about this. This does not mean that you have to scream and yell at your man and tell him that you want to have s e x and he is impotent and unable to satisfy you, so you are leaving him and going! If you love your man, this is the last thing you should be doing.


The first thing you should be doing is talking to him and getting to terms with the situation that he is suffering from erectile dysfunction. Then, you need to console him and discuss with him what can be done about this predicament.


 Of course, what you need to do, is get him treated for this situation. You would be happy to know that there are various treatments that are available for ED and one of them is sure to treat his erectile dysfunction symptoms.


What You Must Not Do If You’re Man Is Suffering from Erectile Dysfunction


If you know your man is suffering from ED, what you definitely must not do, is neglect this issue. And, you must not let him neglect it too! Many men refuse to get treated for impotence in men, as they feel very embarrassed to talk to the doctor about this.

But, whether or not he is embarrassed, you need to see that he gets treated for male impotency, as this is actually a warning sign that he could be suffering from some kind of illness – even an illness that is deadly!


After all, when a man has ED, it could be an indication that he could be suffering from any of the following illnesses such as heart disease, metabolic syndrome, Parkinson's disease, atherosclerosis, Multiple sclerosis, high blood pressure, obesity, Peyronie's disease, sleep disorders, high cholesterol and diabetes.


As you can see, some of these diseases can prove to be fatal. This is why, when you know your man is suffering from weakness of man in bed (ED), you must ensure that immediate treatment is sought for this.


How Do You Treat Erectile Dysfunction?


You can get the best treatment in the world for s*xual dysfunction symptoms, right here. This erectile dysfunction treatment is available in the form of world class drugs like Buy Vidalista, Tadacip, Suhagra, Avana, Kamagra and Tadarise.  


These drugs are used by men from all over the world, for erectile dysfunction treatment. And the men who use these drugs, are very happy, as they are able to get very powerful erections which let them have simply mind blowing s e x, for many hours.


And, now you too can have this kind of s e x, even though you are suffering from male s*xual impotence. This is possible, simply by you placing an order right here, for any of the above world class male impotency drugs. And, the really good part is, wherever you are in the world, we – TrustedMedsworld, will deliver your order to you, right to your doorstep.


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TrustedMedsworld one of the most trusted generic drugstores in the world and since a number of years now, people from all across the planet, have been ordering all kinds of healthcare products and medicines from us.


So, when you are seeking only the best male s*xual dysfunction treatment in the world, be sure to place your order for Kamagra Jelly, Suhagra, Tadarise, Vidalista, Cenforce 100 and Avana from us – TrustedMedsworld – and get ready to enjoy the best s e x of your life, without the problems of erectile dysfunction.


Frequently Asked Questions:


Q. What is Ed for a man?


Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get or keep an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse. It's occasionally mentioned to as impotence, although this term is now used less often. Occasional ED isn't rare. Many men experience it during times of stress.


Q. Is erectile dysfunction is curable?


Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is generally curable with medicine or operation. However, a person may be able to treat the underlying cause and reverse symptoms with no Pill. The best treatment may depend on the person. Some find that modern treatments, such as surgery or medicine, do not work.


Q. Can erectile dysfunction be caused by depression?


Anxiety, low self-esteem, and responsibility are common causes of erectile dysfunction. These are all symptoms of depression, but such matters can also occur naturally with stress and age. The NIMH clarifies that men are also more likely to lose attention in activities during depression.


* If you are looking for male s*xual dysfunction treatment and you desire only the best in the world, be sure to order from us – TrustedMedsworld, one of the best drugs used by men all over the world, for erectile dysfunction treatment.


Other ED Treatment Pills


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What pills are available to treat erectile dysfunction (ED)? ED is also known as male s e x u a l impotence and there are about 200 million men all over the world, who suffer from this issue.



The sad part is, it is expected that by the year 2025, there will be around 320 million men all over the world, who will suffer from reason of weakness in man (ED).


But luckily for you, if you happen to be suffering from s e x u a l dysfunction symptoms, the good news is that right here, world class pills are available for treating this problem.


These pills are available by way of Kamagra, Cenforce, Tadarise 20, Fildena, Vidalista, Avana, Vilitra 20 mg and Malegra.


What Is Erectile Dysfunction?


ED is one of the most common of all the s e x u a l problems in the world. If you suffer from weakness of man in bed (ED), you would not be able to have s e x, for the following reasons:

  • You do not get a hardon almost all of the time.
  • If and when you do get a hardon, it is too limp for you to be able to have s e x.
  • If you do get a hardon, you cannot keep it hard long enough, so that you can have s e x.

As you can see, if you suffer from erectile dysfunction, you cannot have s e x, but that is only one of the problems that you would face. If you suffer from ED, first of all, what is very important for you to note, is that you must not neglect this and you must immediately seek treatment.


Why You Should Never Neglect Erectile Dysfunction


Warning signs of erectile dysfunction should never be neglected, as these can actually be a warning to you that you are suffering from some kind of illness. And the worst part is, the illness that you are suffering from, could be fatal.


Yes, if you are suffering from ED, it could mean that you could be suffering from illnesses like Parkinson's disease, anxiety,  heart disease, stress, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, Multiple sclerosis, depression, high blood pressure, diabetes, Peyronie's disease, Metabolic syndrome, sleep disorders and obesity.


As can clearly be seen, some of these medical conditions can be very dangerous and if not treated, they could be fatal. That is why, when you know you are suffering from Erectile Dysfunction Symptoms, you must not neglect this and you must immediately get treated for the same.


More Problems Associated With Erectile Dysfunction


Yes, when you suffer from ED, the above are only some of the problems you would face. There are a lot more and these include:


  • Stress
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Low self esteem
  • Fits of anger
  • Depression
  • Lack of confidence
  • Relationship issues
  • Inability to get ones partner pregnant
  • Embarrassment
  • Loss of interest in s e x
  • Issues at the work place

What Is The Main Cause Of Erectile Dysfunction?


There are a number of reasons why you could suffer from erectile dysfunction and these can be broadly categorized as:


  • Physical Causes: These include Metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, Parkinson's disease, sleep disorders, alcoholism, obesity, atherosclerosis, injuries or surgeries that involve the spinal cord or the pelvic area, tobacco use, Multiple sclerosis, high cholesterol, Peyronie's disease, diabetes, heart disease and treatment for an enlarged prostate or prostate cancer.
  • Psychological Causes: These are inclusive of stress, anxiety, relationship problems and depression.
  • Medicines: Some medicines cause erectile dysfunction and these are Anti-hypertensives (blood pressure medication), Antifungals (like Ketoconazole), Beta Blockers (blood pressure medication), Diuretics (high blood pressure medication) and SSRIs (anti-depressant medication).

How to Confirm You Have Erectile Dysfunction


If you are not sure that you are suffering from male impotency, the best way to get a confirmation of this, is to see a doctor. And no, going to see a doctor to find out whether or not you are suffering from ED, does not mean that you have to go and see a male doctor specialist.


You can go to your primary care doctor to find out about this. Mostly, all it takes is a physical examination and some questions about your medical history and the doctor would be able to tell you whether or not you are suffering from male impotency.


Your primary care doctor would also be able to give you a first line of treatment that would help you deal with Erectile Dysfunction.

In case this doctor is not able to diagnose whether or not you are suffering from ED, by the above method, he or she would ask you to get some tests done, which could include any of the following:

  • Penile biothesiometry
  • Thyroid function test
  • Urinalysis
  • Cavernosography
  • Bulbocavernosus reflex
  • Lipid profile
  • Vasoactive injection
  • Blood hormone studies
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence
  • Dynamic infusion cavernosometry
  • Duplex ultrasound
  • Arteriography
  • Liver and kidney function tests

Is It Possible To Prevent Erectile Dysfunction?


Yes, it could be possible for you to prevent ED, by adopting the following ways in life:


  • Not smoking.
  • Taking the necessary steps to get rid of stress and anxiety.
  • Checking your meds with your doctor. There are some meds that cause ED. If you are on any such meds, your doctor could change them.
  • Not drinking.
  • Not having excess alcohol.
  • Not having tobacco.
  • Exercising on a regular basis. You need to exercise at least 5 days a week, for a minimum of 30 minutes each day. There is no need to do vigorous exercises. Just some walking or swimming is good enough.
  • Do not use illegal drugs.
  • See a doctor for regular medical checkups.  
  • If you are obese or overweight, take the right steps to get rid of that excess weight.

Questions To Ask Your Doctor about Erectile Dysfunction


As you have seen, if you are suffering from ED, it means you must see a doctor. If you do not, you could lose your life. So, here are some questions that would come in handy, when you are at the doctor, be sure to ask them.


  • What is the best erectile dysfunction treatment that I can avail of?
  • What kind of tests do I need to do and how much are they going to cost?
  • If medication will be prescribed, is there any generic drug available?
  • Are there going to be any restrictions which need to be followed?
  • What is the most likely reason due to which I am suffering from male impotency?
  • What are other likely reasons due to which I may be suffering from ED?
  • Do I need to see a specialist? If so, how much is this going to cost me? Will my insurance cover this visit?
  • Is there any literature like brochures, fliers and the kind that I could take home, so I could better understand about ED and the situation I am in?
  • How do I manage erectile dysfunction, along with my other health issues?
  • Most likely, is my male impotency chronic or is it temporary?
  • What options are there to the primary approach for treating ED that has been suggested by you?

In addition to any questions that you would have prepared and taken with you for your appointment with your doctor, do not hesitate to ask any other questions that come to your mind.


How Erectile Dysfunction Pills Can Help You


Let us take a look at any one of these medicines and how they can be of use to you in male sexual dysfunction treatment:


Kamagra (Sildenafil Citrate): This medicine is available in various strengths and forms like 50 mg, Kamagra 100 mg, Polo Chewable, Gold Tablet, Super Kamagra Tablet, Chewable Tablet, Oral Jelly, and Effervescent Tablet.


The results of the drug start to work after about an hour of it being used. This medicine needs to be used around 30 minutes before you want to have sex. The effects of the medication can last for up to as long as 4 hours. This medicine can be taken only once in 24 hours.


Suhagra: This medicine can be procured in various doses, like 50 mg, 25 mg, and 100 mg. You can use this medicine between 30 minutes to 1 hour before you wish to engage in sexual activities.


The results of this medication can last for as much as 4 hours. You can take this medication just once in 24 hours.


Tadarise (Tadalafil Tablets): This drug can be made in different forms and powers such as 40 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg, 60 mg, 2.5 mg, 5 mg, Super, Extra Super, Pro 20 mg and Oral Jelly.


You need to take this medicine, around an hour before you decide to have sex. The medication starts to work within 30 minutes of it being made, and the effects can last for about 4 hours. You can take this medicine only once in 48 hours.


Cenforce (Sildenafil Citrate): This medication can be obtained in different strengths and forms like 200 mg, 50 mg, 150 mg, Cenforce 100 mg, 25 mg, Professional, D, Soft, and FM. You should take this medicine within an hour of you needing to have sex.


The effects of the medication will start to show in about 30 minutes, and they will last for around 4 hours.


Fildena (Sildenafil Citrate): This treatment is available in different forms and strengths such as CT 100, 150 mg, 50 mg, Professional, 120 mg, Super Active, 25 mg, XXX, Fildena 100 mg, and Double.


Thus remedy should be had by you around 1 hour before you wish to have sex. The medicine can affect for almost 4 hours. This medicine can be taken only once in 24 hours.


Malegra (Sildenafil Citrate): This medication can be procured in various strengths and forms such as 50 mg, DXT Plus, Oral Jelly, 200 mg, FXT, Pro 100 mg, 100 mg, 25 mg, DXT, and FXT Plus.


The effects of the medication can be seen with 30 minutes of taking it, and they last for as long as 4 - 5 hours. You can take this pill just once in 24 hours.


Vidalista (Tadalafil Online): This remedy can be got in different forms and strengths like 2.5 mg, 60 mg, Black 80 mg, Vidalista 40 mg, CT 20 mg, 20 mg, Professional, Extra Super, 10 mg, Super and 5 mg.


You need to take this pill around 30 minutes before you want to have sex. The impacts of medicine can last up to as much as 36 hours. You can take this pill only once in 24 hours.


How to Treat Erectile Dysfunction


There are a number of treatments that are available for dealing with male impotency. But by far, one of the best ways of treating impotence in men, is with pills. And world class pills, used by men all across the globe, for erectile dysfunction treatment, are available right here.


These pills are Cenforce, Vidalista, Tadarise, Vilitra, Kamagra, Avana, Fildena and Malegra.


Men who use these pills get very hard erections, letting them have just out of this world sex, for long hours. And the best part is, wherever you are in the world, we -  TrustedMedsworld, will deliver these to you, right to your door – and that too, in a package that is 100% discreet - not even you will be able to guess what is in the package.


You get up to 70% off when you order prescription drugs from us. And if anything goes wrong with your order, you get 100% cash back or FREE redelivery! Now you can see why we are recognized as one of the leading online mail order pharmacies in the world today.


If you are suffering from male impotency and you are seeking the best pills in the world to treat this, you can get these right here. Just place your order for any of the above pills and we will deliver them to your door – and you can say bye bye to your erectile dysfunction quandary!


* If you want to get more detail about Erectile Dysfunction and men impotence then have a look here: TrustedMedsworld.




Q. What is the best medicine for erectile dysfunction?


The first things doctors usually prescribe to men with erectile dysfunction are pills like:

1. Avanafil (Stendra)

2. Sildenafil (Viagra)

3. Vardenafil (Levitra)

4. Tadalafil (Cialis)


Q. What causes weak erection?


ED is usually caused by low blood flow to the penis or a problem with the nerves that control erections. This is a result of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol or diabetes.


Q. How do you fix erectile dysfunction?


Here are some steps that might help:


1.  If you smoke, quit. If you have trouble quitting, get help. ...

2. Lose excess pounds. Being overweight can cause — or worsen — erectile dysfunction.

3. Include physical activity in your daily routine.

4. Get treatment for alcohol or drug problems.

5. Ork through relationship issues.


Q. What is Vidalista for?


Vidalista (tadalafil) is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor used for treating impotence (erectile dysfunction, or ED).


Q. What is the most effective treatment for ED?


Oral medications are a successful erectile dysfunction treatment for many men. They include: Kamagra, Vidalista, Cenforce, and Fildena.

What is Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?


ED, or Erectile Dysfunction, is when a man finds it hard to get or keep an erection that's firm enough for sex. It affects about one (1) out of two (2) men over the age of 50. In some, ED only happens from time to time. In others, it's a more severe problem.





While ED is more common as men age, growing old is not the cause of the problem. ED can signal underlying health and emotional issue. Finding and treating the reason (s) of your ED can improve your overall health and your sex life.


ED happens when blood doesn't flow well to the penis, or when the nerves in the penis are harmed. ED can be from an injury, surgery, heart disease, peripheral arterial disease, or high blood pressure.


It can be due to high blood sugar, alcohol, and drugs or smoking. Some medicines may also cause ED. Emotional stress (depression, anxiety, or relationship problems) can lead to or worsen ED.




Taking active steps to prevent ED may help your sexual function and improve your general health.


The best things you can do are:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Keep or get to a healthy weight
  • Avoid smoking or vaping
  • Limit drinking alcohol (two drinks or less per day)
  • Avoid using illegal drugs
  • Adjust your medicines if needed (never make changes without first talking to your doctor)
  • Adopt better sleep habits (7-8 hours per night is ideal)
  • Take care of other health problems like high blood sugar and heart, artery or kidney disease (work with your doctor to regain health)
  • If you do have ED, talk to your healthcare provider to learn why it's happening and how to find the best treatment.



Your healthcare provider will want to learn about your physical and emotional health before choosing treatment. You may be asked to change your lifestyle habits or the medicines you use.


For example, you may be asked to lose weight or exercise more. You may be asked to stop smoking, vaping, or using drugs or alcohol. You may be offered a different type or dose of medicine you are already taking. Never make changes to medication without first talking to your provider.


At the same time, your provider will want you to address any emotional problems. These could stem from relationships, work, stress, depression, or anxiety from past issues with ED (performance anxiety). Your healthcare provider may refer you to a counselor if there is a more serious mental health concern.


For many men, ED can be prevented or treated safely. Treatments range from sex therapy to things like vacuum devices, oral or injectable drugs, hormone therapy, and surgery. Most treatments work very well.


If you have ED, there is help. Talk with your healthcare provider about options to prevent or treat ED.




Let us take a look at any one of these medicines and how they can be of use to you in male sexual dysfunction treatment:


1. Kamagra Tablets: This Medication is available in many strengths and forms like Kamagra 50 mg, Kamagra 100 mg, Polo Chewable, Super Kamagra, Kamagra Chewable, Kamagra Oral Jelly, and Kamagra Effervescent Tablet.


This Pill needs to be used around 30 minutes before you want to have Intercourse. The effects of Medicine can last for up to as long as 4 hours. These pills can be taken only once in 24 hours.


2. Suhagra: This Medication can be Available in various doses, like Suhagra 50 mg, and Suhagra 100 mg. You can use these Pills between 30 minutes to 1 hour before you wish to sexual activities.


The results of this Medicine can last for as much as 4 hours. You can take this Medicine just once in 24 hours.


3. Tadarise Tablets: This Medication can be Develop in Various forms and Doses Like Tadarise 40 mg, 10 mg, Tadarise 20 mg, Tadarise 60 mg, 2.5 mg, 5 mg, Super, Extra Super, Pro 20 mg and Tadarise Oral Jelly.


You need to take these Pills, around an hour before you have sex. The medicine starts to work within 30 minutes of it being made, and the effects can last for about 4 hours. You can take these Pills only once in 48 hours.


4. Cenforce Tablets: This Medicine can be Available in many strengths and Power like Cenforce 200 mg, Cenforce 150 mg, Cenforce 100 mg, 25 mg, Professional, D, and Cenforce Soft. You should take this Pill within an hour of you engage to have sex.


The effects of the medication will start to show in about 30 minutes, and they will last for around 4 hours.


5. Fildena Tablets: This Medication is available in different kinds of forms and strengths such as Fildena CT 100, Fildena 150 mg, Fildena Professional, Fildena 120 mg, Fildena 100 mg, and Fildena Double.


Thus Medicine should be had by you around 1 hour before you wish to have Intercourse. The Pill can affect for almost 4 hours. This Pill 

can be taken only once in 24 hours.


6. Malegra Tablets: This Medicine can be Available in Different strengths and forms such as Malegra 50 mg, Malegra DXT Plus, Malegra Oral Jelly, Malegra 200 mg, Malegra Pro 100 mg, Malegra 100 mg, and Malegra FXT Plus.


The effects of Medicine can be seen with 30 minutes of taking it, and they last for as long as 4 - 5 hours. You can take this Medicine just once in 24 hours.


7. Vidalista Tablets: This Pill can be got in many forms and Power like 2.5 mg, Vidalista 60 mg, Vidalista Black 80 mg, Vidalista 40 mg, Vidalista CT 20 mg, Vidalista 20 mg, Vidalista Professional, Vidalista 10 mg.


You need to take this Medicine around 30 minutes before you want to have sex. The impacts of the Pill can last up to as much as 36 hours. You can take this medicine only once in 24 hours.




  • What is ED, and what causes it?
  • What can I do to prevent ED?
  • Can you help me, or do I need to see a specialist? (Ask for a referral if needed)
  • What tests will help find the cause of my ED?
  • What treatment(s) can help me? How do they work? What are the side effects?
  • What happens if the first treatment doesn't help?
  • If surgery is my best choice, can I talk first to a patient that you've helped?
  • Would a sex therapist help me?



TrustedMedsworld - The Online Medicine Store the world trusts! Yes, when it comes to buying all kinds of Generic medicines and healthcare products, people from every corner of the world put their trust and faith in us – and they have been doing so for many years now.


We Offer Branded Medicines Such as Kamagra Chewable, Tadalista, and other all kinds of generic medicines. We also deal with all kinds of ED Medicines in Bulk. For Further Information of our Company Visit us on our website: TrustedMedsworld




Q. Can Low Testosterone Cause ED?


Testosterone isn't the only fuel for a man's sex drive and performance. But low testosterone can reduce your ability to have satisfying sex.


Lack of sex drive and erectile dysfunction are sexual problems that can result from low testosterone. If low testosterone is the cause, treating it can help.


Q. Can Erectile Dysfunction be cured?


In many cases, yes, erectile dysfunction can be reversed. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found a remission rate of 29 percent after five years.


It is important to note that even when the ED cannot be cured, the right treatment can reduce or eliminate symptoms.


Q. Is it safe to have generic Medicine?


According to the FDA, all drugs, including brand name drugs and generic drugs, must work well and be safe.

Generic drugs use the same active ingredients as their brand-name counterparts and, therefore, have the same risks and benefits.