



omg I don't know why how come this sleepy.. but omg I am so sleepy right now...

what if you get sleep when you don't want to sleep??

I meant what will you do, when you get slepy even you don't want to sleep?

awwww well anyway...kkk

ohhh I have to my work from tomorrow!!

its started from Sep.25!!!

awww im so sleepy...

oh how do you guys get money??

do you guys working? even you are students? I know many of them has their own job.

I know I have to find mine also... but I don't want to bother any campany.

because i am too slow and I guess people will not like me.

hahaha sad thing. 実際に働いてみないとわからないけれど

私はそう思うんだぁー・・・ the problems are like I don't speak well, like 人見知り and too sow.

and some of people hates slow person, aren't they/??



aaaaaawwwwww what I just wanted say is... idk...LOLLL

I m talking like so ramdomly....loll

well i got so sleepy so I will take nap,, see ya