






2020 Nián chūnjì xuéqí hàn yǔyán yǔ zhōngguó wénhuà jìnxiū xiàngmù zhāoshēng jiǎnzhāng
Admissions Guide for the Chinese Language and Chinese Culture Program in the Spring 2020 semester
Zhèjiāng dàxué guójì jiàoyù xuéyuàn chángnián kāishè hàn yǔyán yǔ zhōngguó wénhuà jìnxiū xiàngmù.
The School of International Education of Zhejiang University offers a Chinese language and Chinese culture training program all year round.
Měinián zài chūnjì xuéqí (yībān wèi 2 yuèdǐ) hé qiūjì xuéqí (yībān wèi 9 yuèchū) zhāoshōu xīn guójì xuéshēng rùxué.
New international students are enrolled each year during the spring semester (usually at the end of February) and the fall semester (usually at the beginning of September).
Chūnjì xuéqí de shēnqǐng shíjiān wèi 10 yuè zhōngxún dào cì nián 1 yuè shàngxún.
The application period for the spring semester is from mid-October to early January.
Qiūjì xuéqí de shēnqǐng shíjiān wèi 3 yuè zhōngxún zhì 6 yuè shàngxún.
The application period for the fall semester is from mid-March to early June.
Jùtǐ yǐ měi xuéqí gōngbù de zhāoshēng jiǎnzhāng wéi zhǔn.
The enrollment guidelines published each semester are subject to change.
Rùxué tiáojiàn: Niánlíng 18 zhì 65 zhōusuì, shēntǐ jiànkāng, jùyǒu gāozhōng bìyè jí yǐshàng xuélì.
Admission requirements: 18 to 65 years of age, good health, with a high school graduation or above.
Shēnqǐng shíjiān: Jírì qǐ zhì 2020 nián 1 yuè 10 rì.
Application time: From now until January 10, 2020.
报到时间:2020年2月21日或2月24日, 报到安排会与《录取通知书》一并发放。
Bàodào shíjiān:2020 Nián 2 yuè 21 rì huò 2 yuè 24 rì, bàodào ānpái huì yǔ “lùqǔ tōngzhī shū” yī bìng fāfàng.
Registration time: February 21, 2020 or February 24, 2020, the registration arrangement will be issued together with the Admission Notice.

Chūnjì xuéqí xuéxí qíxiàn wéi 2020 nián 3 yuè 2 rì zhì 7 yuè 3 rì.
The spring semester study period is from March 2nd to July 3rd, 2020.
学费:人民币9,000元/学期。 报到注册时一次性缴纳一学期全额学费。
Xuéfèi: Rénmínbì 9,000 yuán/xuéqí. Bàodào zhùcè shí yīcì xìng jiǎonà yī xuéqí quán é xuéfèi.
Tuition: RMB 9,000 / semester. A one-time full tuition fee will be paid at the time of registration.
Zhùsù: Xuéshēng kě zìxíng ānpái xiàowài zhùsù huò zài tiánxiě rùxué shēnqǐng biǎo shí shēnqǐng xiàonèi sùshè.
Accommodation: Students can arrange off-campus accommodation or apply for on-campus housing when completing the application form.
Xiàonèi sùshè wéi yùquán xiàoqū zhúkězhēn guójì jiàoyù xuéyuàn dàlóu dān rénjiān, xuéshēng sùshè 16 shě shuāng rén jiàn huò xiàoqū qítā sùshè lóu.
The on-campus dormitory is a single room in the Yuquan International College of Education, a 16-story double room for student residences or other dormitory buildings on the campus.
Xiáng jiàn zhùsù xìnxī (liànjiē).
See accommodation information (link) for details.
Yùquán xiàoqū zàn wèi kāifàng wǎngshàng xuǎn fáng.
The Yuquan Campus has not yet opened an online selection.
Zhùsù ānpái huì cānzhào xuéshēng zài wǎngshàng shēnqǐng biǎo shàng de xūqiú,
jǐnliàng ānpái xuéshēng yāoqiú de fángxíng.
Accommodation arrangements will be based on the student's online application form.
Yóuyú měi zhǒng fángxíng de shùliàng yǒuxiàn, xuéxiào wúfǎ chéngnuò wánquán ànzhào xuéshēng de xuǎnzé jìn háng fēnpèi. Jìng qǐng liàngjiě.
Try to arrange the type of room that the student asks for. Due to the limited number of each room type, the school cannot promise to distribute it exactly according to the student's choice. beg to be excused.
shēnqǐng bùzhòu:
Application steps:
1. Dēnglù zhèjiāng dàxué guójì xuéshēng zhāoshēng xìtǒng (liànjiē), zhùcè bìng jīhuó zhànghào.
1. Log in to the Zhejiang University International Student Admissions System (link), register and activate your account.
2. Zàixiàn tiánxiě zhèjiāng dàxué guójì xuéshēng (hàn yǔyán jìnxiū shēng) rùxué shēnqǐng biǎo, shàngchuán hùzhào fùyìn jiàn.
2. Fill in the application form for international students (Chinese language learners) of Zhejiang University online and upload a copy of the passport.
3. Zàixiàn zhīfù shēnqǐng fèi (400 yuán rénmínbì) huò shàngchuán yínháng huìkuǎn píngzhèng (zhànghào liànjiē).
3. Online payment application fee (400 yuan) or upload bank transfer certificate (account link).

Qǐng zài shēnqǐng qíxiàn nèi tíjiāo suǒyǒu cáiliào zhì wǎngshàng bàomíng xìtǒng.
Please submit all materials to the online registration system within the application deadline.
Cáiliào bùquán zhě huò wèi zài wǎngshàng bàomíng chénggōng zhě, shù bù shòulǐ.
Those who do not have the materials or who have not registered online will not be accepted.
Wúlùn shēnqǐng zhě shìfǒu bèi wǒ xiào lùqǔ, bàomíng fèi shù bù bù yǔ tuìhuán.
Regardless of whether the applicant is accepted by our school, the registration fee will not be refunded.
Lùqǔ fāngshì: Shēnqǐng cáiliào jīng yǒuguān bùmén shěnhé pīzhǔn hòu,
Admission method: After the application materials have been reviewed and approved by the relevant departments,
学校将于2020年1月20日前寄出《 录取通知书》、《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》等文件。
xuéxiào jiāng yú 2020 nián 1 yuè 20 rìqián jì chū “lùqǔ tōngzhī shū”,“wàiguó liúxué rényuán lái huá qiānzhèng shēnqǐng biǎo” děng wénjiàn.
The school will send the "Admission Notice" and "Visa Application Form for Foreign Students Studying in China" and other documents by January 20, 2020.
Shàngkè fāngshì: Hànyǔyán jìnxiū shēng gēnjù rùxué hànyǔ shuǐpíng fēnjí cèshì chéngjī biān rù chéngdù bùtóng de bānjí.
Ways of attending classes: Chinese language learners are graded according to the grades of the Chinese language proficiency test.
Měi xuéqí yībān wèi 18 zhōu, měi zhōu hàn yǔyán kè 18 xuéshí, lìng yǒu duō mén wénhuà lèi xuǎnxiū kè, xuéshēng kě gēnjù zìjǐ de xìngqù hé hàn yǔ shuǐpíng xuǎnxiū 1 mén.
Each semester is generally 18 weeks, 18 Chinese language classes per week, and a number of cultural electives. Students can choose one according to their own interests and Chinese level.
Àn guīdìng xiū wán quánbù kèchéng, bìng tōngguò kǎohé de xuéshēng, jiāng huòdé yóu zhèjiāng dàxué bānfā de jìnxiū zhèngshū.
Students who have completed the course in accordance with the regulations and passed the assessment will receive a certificate of training issued by Zhejiang University.
Chángqí hànyǔyán jìnxiū xiàngmù kèchéng shèzhì
Long-term Chinese language training program curriculum

bìxiū kè
Compulsory course
chūjí jiēduàn (1-3 jí), zhǔgàn kèchéng bāokuò jīngdú, kǒuyǔ, tīnglì, yuèdú děng.
In the primary stage (Level 1-3), the main courses include intensive reading, speaking, listening, reading, etc.
Zhōngjí jiēduàn (4-5 jí), zhǔgàn kèchéng bāokuò jīngdú, tīng shuō, xiězuò, yuèdú děng.
In the intermediate stage (levels 4-5), the main courses include intensive reading, listening, writing, reading, etc.
Gāojí jiēduàn (6-7 jí), zhǔgàn kèchéng bāokuò jīngdú, gāojí hànyǔ zònghé, xiězuò, yuèdú děng.
In the advanced stage (levels 6-7), the main courses include intensive reading, advanced Chinese synthesis, writing, reading, etc.
Xuǎnxiū kè
Elective course
(1)中国概况(2)中国历史 (3) 武术 (4) 太极拳
 (1) zhōngguó gàikuàng (2) zhōngguó lìshǐ (3) wǔshù (4) tàijí quán
 (1) China Overview (2) Chinese History (3) Martial Arts (4) Tai Chi
(5)中国文化(6)古代汉语 (7) 书法 (8) 汉语言文字 
 (5) zhōngguó wénhuà (6) gǔdài hàn yǔ (7) shūfǎ (8) hàn yǔyán wénzì 
 (5) Chinese Culture (6) Ancient Chinese (7) Calligraphy (8) Chinese Characters
(9)中国文学(10)中国经济(11) 国画(12)中国戏曲欣赏
 (9) zhōngguó wénxué (10) zhōngguó jīngjì (11) guóhuà (12) zhōngguó xìqǔ xīnshǎng
 (9) Chinese Literature (10) Chinese Economy (11) Chinese Painting (12) Chinese Opera Appreciation
zhù: Yǐshàng xuǎnxiū kè jiāng gēnjù shíjì qíngkuàng jìnxíng jiàoxué ānpái, kěnéng huì yǒu biàngēng. Měi xuéqí kāishè de xuǎnxiū kè yǐ kāixué hòu liǎng zhōu gōngbù de kèchéng wéi zhǔn.
Note: The above elective courses will be arranged according to the actual situation and may be subject to change. The electives offered each semester are based on the courses published two weeks after the start of the school year.

Chángqí hàn yǔyán jìnxiū xiàngmù dì jiàoxué shíxí huánjié
yǒu cānguān, kǎochá, diàoyán, fǎngtán děng xíngshì.

Teaching internship in long-term Chinese language training program
There are forms such as visits, inspections, research, and interviews.