The Business to Business (B2B) marketing companies thrive and sustain on the sales and marketing services to the other commercial organizations. Since the numbers of buyers of such services are limited, the companies need to be extra cautious while converting a prospective buyer into a successful buyer. The primary step to be followed in converting a prospect into a successful sale is the creation of successful leads. This is a huge task which might take a huge amount of time and human effort.


Such a massive task, if done manually, would not only be a time taking and immense human effort taking process, but such a process would also run the risk of errors. Therefore, it would be wise enough to use smart methods and equipments in order to successfully complete this important process of the marketing efforts of the company. In this era of technology and speed, the information technology and the communication technology such as the telecommunication networks could be effectively and efficiently used in order to successfully close the marketing process.

But such huge efforts require huge manpower which would be dedicately involved in doing such activities. Though, generally the companies prefer to conduct such activities in-house. But in doing these activities in-house, the manpower required by the company would need to be professional and proficient in conducting such activities. Such professional staff would incur an extra cost for the company while such services are not always assured to be successful. The costs recurred in hiring such staff would be a permanent cost which essentially indicates that even if the services are not required, the company needs to pay for the services.

In such a high cost and time consuming situation, the company has an option to choose the option of outsourcing such activities to a company which is proficient and experienced in managing such services. There are specialized companies which are customized and specialized to provide only these services only. Such companies would have huge professionally qualified manpower to handle such tasks. These companies often handle the lead generation activity that is generating a list of customers who would be the likely and prospective customers for these companies. Often such service providers also go a step ahead to set up appointments for the customers. These companies are also known as appointment setting services companies. Such companies would take all the effort and time required to generate the list of prospective customers for their client. Then they would individually target each individual customer and try to understand their requirements. Such requirements would then be matched by the client company's services. After such a match is successful, the individual customers are then targeted and the appointment services companies then try to set up appointments so that the company representative can visit the company and explain the services provided by the client company. Such companies thus effectively generate the leads which can be successfully converted into sales by the client company. The client company's effort is reduced while the cost that these companies need to be paid is based on the type and length of assignment and thus this also saves on cost.

The information technology market can be a real pain, especially if you need to find more business clients to support your firm. That is why you need to conduct a good IT appointment setting and lead generation campaign. What is important here is that you know how to make it work. One of these is by outsourcing to a qualified IT-specialized telemarketing company. Now, before you start asking why we should use a traditional medium on this technology- driven era, remember that appointment setting services for IT products and services require that you meet prospect either personally or on the phone. And what better way to get it done than to seek the help of professional IT telemarketers. They are the best people for generating the needed IT leads for your firm.

All that you need to do is to ensure that you increase the productivity of your telemarketing team. How will you do that?

1. Buddy up with a good agent - this is a good solution in dealing with poor performers in your IT appointment setting appointment setting campaign. By partnering them with an excellent agent, they get to learn how things should be done and get a real picture of the ideal telemarketing practices.

2. Have regular short breaks - when agents work too long in looking and working on prospects, they tend to get lethargic, or even stressed out. Having regular short breaks will help them recharge faster, not to mention helping them feel less stressed out in their work.

3. Conduct short briefings all throughout the day - this is not just 'start of shift' huddle. You also need to have short meetings with the team in order to get the latest updates on the production floor straight from their mouths, not to mention sharing with them some business ideas that they can use in their work.

4. Always give regular feedback and praise - one way for your team to know how good they are doing is by getting a regular feedback from you. And if they performed well on the job, you should be quick to praise them, too. These little details are actually very important in getting the work done better. It will help improve your lead generation campaign in the long run.

5. Allow for some time out - yes, while this may sound counterproductive, studies have shown that giving telemarketers some time away from their computers can actually help them boost sales. You can perhaps use that time to let them try whatever product or service your firm is offering for the IT market. In this way, they can be more effective and convincing when generating IT leads.

6. Allow for some scripting - this is just a guide, remember that. There are times when calls and concerns are so common that having a uniform script will not only make call handling easier to manage, it will also save on time. Just make sure you allow a lot of room for your team to move around your script.

That is how you make sure you increase the performance of your IT appointment setting campaign. They do work, as long as you follow them carefully.