Travis the 2nd = Border collie =

Travis the 2nd = Border collie =

This is a diary of my pet dog, Travis, a border collie.


Today we went to Kawakai village in Southern part of Nara prefecture.

We visit a park around the waterfall, called 'Seirei no taki'.




There was a path around the park, Traivis enjoyed very excited playing around water and in the forrest.

There was a suspention bridge.  For travis it's first time to see such kind of bridge.

He was frightened.



We thought that he might not able to pass this bridge, but then...


He dicided to go.  He ran acrossed the bridge very very quickly.

He tried hard!


Good boy.

Another challenge for him, there was a very small and steep stairs going down. 
This time he couln't.  Impossible for dog's foot.  he was waiting.
On the way home, we dropped to Thuburo lake.
He enjoyed very much!