Planning to buy a gaming laptop to satisfy your gaming needs while travelling? While buying a gaming laptop, you need to consider some certain things. The market is flooded with various gaming laptops that are of different models, specifications and price. This article has been destined to give you some important tips that you should consider when buying your gaming laptop computer.


The screen size for your laptop is the first thing you should bring into consideration. You are buying the laptop for gaming, so the screen size should be large. Large screen also offer good DVD movie viewing experience. You should remember that the price of the laptop mostly depend on the size of the screen. But if you are an avid gamer, you will certainly be ready to pay the price for the best gaming experience. For assistance on laptop repair, talk to a remote computer support provider.

To enjoy PC gaming at its fullest, there must be a decent laptop video card inside the laptop. Two renowned names in this context are ATI and Nvidia. Both of them have wide selection of graphics cards that are especially designed for laptops. ATI comes with the Radeon Mobility range of cards. On the other hand, Nvidia has the GeForce Go series of cards. It is true that you can never get equal performance of like that of a desktop video card with the laptop video card. But some of the latest models in the market are good enough to offer you an exciting gaming experience. Well, there are external video cards which are equally powerful and can render desktop-like performance.

You best laptop under 50000 will certainly carry the laptop with you. So, the size and weight of your gaming laptop is very important. So, if the laptop is smaller and lighter, it will be convenient for you. If you prefer to go a laptop with large screen, then you can't go for a small laptop. As the laptop will be mostly used for playing games, the laptop keyboard should be large enough. Small keys could be the reason of pain of your fingers and wrists. Instead of mouse, there is the touchpad. If you don't like to use touchpad, they you can think of using an external mouse.

Battery life is another most important feature that you should consider with equal seriousness. Laptops are now a days come with lithium ion batteries and its capacity is measured in cells. A powerful gaming laptop means it will drain its batteries faster. There should be a good number of USB ports to connect printers, scanners, digital cameras, keyboards, and external mouse. If you consider all these things before buying a gaming computer, you can easily get the best deal.

Gaming laptops are not really special breeds amidst all the other laptops; they are simply the most powerful machines that feature vital components which are the best, the fastest, the latest, the biggest, the sharpest and the brightest. In simple terms, gaming laptops are top of the line laptops - the elite dream machines, the cream of the crop.

1. Key Components To Look For

Some of the key components to look for in a gaming laptop include the graphics card, the RAM, CPU speed, as well as the display screen. We'll take a look at each of these now.

2. Graphics

An earnest gaming laptop addresses the graphics issue very seriously because the quality of the graphic chip inside the gaming laptop is the single most important factor which in the end determines the quality of the graphics and therefore also controls gaming performance.

If you are an avid gamer looking for the best gaming laptop, I strongly advise you to choose the laptop with the latest graphic chip available on the market at the time of your purchase. And beyond that, remember that new technology is coming out all the time and you and your gaming laptop do not want to be left behind. Therefore be sure that the gaming laptop which you are considering has an option for upgrading. That is, unless you do not mind buying a new gaming laptop every twelve or eighteen months in order to keep up with the latest trends.

3. RAM

Your gaming laptop's RAM (random access memory) is the factor that determines how much graphics it will be able to hold and to handle. I strongly advise you to settle for nothing less than 256MB of RAM but I also urge you to strive for more. 2GB of RAM is not at all extreme if you plan to do heavy duty gaming.

4. Speed

The processor is the heart, brain and soul of your laptop computer and it does all its data processing as well as its applications. For the optimum in 3D video gaming experience you must get the gaming laptop with the fastest processor you possibly can. If you can afford it, choose the high speed SATA (Serial Advanced Technology Architecture).

5. Display Screen

Unless you invest in the sharpest and brightest high resolution display screen which can handle the graphics for your 3D gaming, the above components that we have just discussed would have been a shameful waste of our valuable time and your hard earned money. With higher resolutions (1280 x 1024) you will experience better viewing. However, do yourself and your eyes a favor and check it out first hand.

6. The Best Gaming Laptop

Now that we have reviewed crucial key components that all gaming laptops must be endowed with, let us look at one particular gaming laptop which I believe stands out from the crowd: the ProStar 5729 with Intel Centrino Processor Technology.

This, the ProStar 5729, is the gaming laptop that you and other gaming enthusiasts have been dreaming about. It provides ground-breaking performance, out of this world graphics, data transfer at mega speeds and it is Vista ready. Check this wonder machine out and you will be wowed.


If you use the points that we had discussed above and you look into the ProStar 5729, you are on your way to finding the best gaming laptop that will give you hours upon more hours of gaming delight. Enjoy!