Tokyo Girl

Turkey Dinner

I had a cold, so I haven't updated this blog in a while, sorry.ラブラブ!

I celebrated Thanksgiving Day.ラブラブ

The US and Canada have different Thanksgiving Days, and I celebrated the American one.ラブラブラブラブ
Milou et moi

We are waiting for them to roast the turkey. During that time we talked about a lot of things, like religion, discrimination, with a lot of joking.ラブラブ!ラブラブ宝石白
Milou et moi

It's ready!ナイフとフォークワインラブラブラブラブ王冠1宝石白ラブラブ!ラブラブ
Milou et moi

We each took slices of turkey.ラブラブラブラブ
Milou et moi

I put cranberry sauce and gravy.ベル宝石白
Milou et moi

Milou et moi

Milou et moi

Milou et moi

There was a lot of alcohol too.ワインワインワイン
Milou et moi

We were in a private room.
Milou et moi

This is what the rest of the restaurant looks like. The ceiling is very high, and it looks very nice.ラブラブラブラブ宝石白王冠1
We had a really nice time.にひひラブラブワイン

I'm so glad I had a chance to celebrate Thanksgiving Day!ラブラブ宝石ブルー宝石白ラブラブ
I was also very happy that I got to eat stuffing in Japan.ラブラブ!ラブラブ!ラブラブ!

The restaurant was called Lawry's. You can find more info at the address below.
Milou et moi

Today's lunch

Today I went to a Japanese restaurant to eat chawanmushi.

Chawanmushi is made up of eggs, dashi, vegetables, and chicken, mixed and steamed.ベルラブラブ!
Milou et moi

I also ordered sushi. I couldn't eat sushi before, but when I become an adult I started eating it!

There was so much sushi that I couldn't finish it, so my friend ate mine for me.
Milou et moi

My University

This is my University's gate, which we call red gate, and in Japanese AKAMON.
Tokyo Girl

This is my university's campus. Autumn has arrived, so the colors are
changing a lot.

Tokyo Girl

Tokyo Girl

Tokyo Girl

That's the Starbucks at the university.スタバ

Tokyo Girl

The university's Starbucks is so very narrow...
I often go to this Starbucks.ラブラブラブラブグッド!

Tokyo Girl

Tokyo Girl

Tokyo Girl

This is my office and my lunchナイフとフォーク

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This is Confiture -- hello!
He now weighs around 45kgわんわんしっぽフリフリわんわんしっぽフリフリ.

Tokyo Girl

He is so big, but also so cute, and we always sleep together.
He yawns a lot!わんわんわんわんピレニーズ パピー

Tokyo Girl