Philippines and Japan, two different countries which are near to each other. Philippines being the Pearl of the Orient and Japan as the Land of the Rising Sun.

When I think about this two countries all what I can think about is the word "OPPOSITE".

Philippines and Japan are completely opposite. The Sentence construction Japan has an SOV pattern or Subject object Verb. While Philippines or other countries like America has Subject Verb Object.
Aside from the sentence construction, there are tons of things which are opposite like the Car`s drive sit in Japan is at the right while the standard car sit for Philippines and other countries are on the left side.

In Japan there are a lot of elderly people, since Japan is very much strict when it comes to family planning. While in Philippines the streets are swarming with kids, everywhere you go it`s kids and youths you`ll see. As they say children are the future of our nation so if some countries think it`s lack of family planning on the other hand it can be a good thing cause kids means future, future for the country future for the human race.
There a lot more when it comes to the opposite like the road`s way of right etc.

Anyway may it be good or bad, the truth is this shows variation to different countries which makes the world a better and interesting place to live in.

So when we want to study about Japan may it be it`s language we should set our mind that things are not the same or better yet opposite and vice versa.